Tonight’s Truly Hectic ‘MAFS’ Reunion Dinner Retold Via Hilarious Tweets
The messiest night of reality TV of the year is here! Tonight saw the Married at First Sight reunion dinner kick off and guess what? Not a drop of wine was spilled!!
It’s almost as if we’re all growing up. Nah, jokes. Tonight was dominated by messy arguments breaking out between well, everyone. It was Coco against Samantha, who was against Cameron, who was against Sam, who was against Bryce, who was against Booka, should I go on?
It was a real shitshow, so let’s try to make sense of it all by going through the episode’s best tweets.
Tonight’s hectic Married at First Sight reunion dinner retold via hilarious tweets:
We’re back baby, and a few months have past since the final vows. And yes, Belinda is still dressing terribly and Patrick is now matching her. Jake and Rebecca have split up. This is brand new information!!!
Patrick has joined a children’s entertainment cult #MAFSAustralia #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/0dYzpnE4rj
— Jen and the girls (@pjk27779) April 14, 2021
Belinda and Patrick decided in the theme of 2020 that they will dress as the human embodiment of Covid-19 #MAFS
— sad shell by the sea shore (◡﹏◡✿) (@Spookysadghoul) April 14, 2021
Belinda and Patrick at tonight’s reunion dinner #MAFS pic.twitter.com/HRgq0JPm7p
— PUNKEE (@itspunkee) April 14, 2021
Is anyone, ANYONE shocked that Jake and Bec aren’t together? #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/B7kHticTVu
— Steph the sarcastic sequin (@Steph_Simmons89) April 14, 2021
On a happier note, Kerry and Johnny are still together, while Alana and Jason have broken up! Alana reveals Jason dumped her over text, but at least our queen is now free. On a sadder note, Melissa and Bryce are still dating — and even living together. Yikes.
Shock horror Jason is the type to break up with you via text #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/pnGyhacQZU
— Leah Jay (@LeahJayK) April 14, 2021
Jason dumping Alana over text is basically what I'd expect from 16 year old acting literally 35 year old Jason.#MAFS #MAFSAU
— So Dramatic! Podcast (@sodramaticpod) April 14, 2021
Because poor Melbourne haven't been through enough these last 12 months, they have to deal with Bryce moving there too #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Andy (@Skualg) April 14, 2021
I have lost all sympathy for Melissa! Enjoy the delusion girl!!! #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/Vs299W4KxQ
— Leah Jay (@LeahJayK) April 14, 2021
It’s reunion dinner party time! All the past contestants arrive, and Liam just straight-up snubs Georgia when he walks in. Things get even more tense when Melissa and Bryce enter the room, as the majority aren’t enthused to see the controversial couple.
me at parties waiting for them to be over so i can go home, put my pjs on and tuck into the leftover easter eggs #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/fC0i0AJpVI
— luci (@llluci) April 14, 2021
The mood of the room when Bryce and Melissa walked in #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/O4QEHO9DfS
— Dylan Zbierski (@Dilbish) April 14, 2021
we’re not even at the dinner table yet and i already have a headache #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/R7d9ke2KJB
— alysha (@intosneedy) April 14, 2021
The contestants finally sit down and there’s awkward vibes between Alana and Jason, as she tells the girls he dumped her via text. Jason claims he couldn’t have dumped her as they err…”were never together”. Sure, hon.
I didn’t dump Alana by text, I just sent her a message to say it wasn’t going to work out.. technically we were never together #mafs #mafsau pic.twitter.com/7XZszlmyPY
— Jo Kendray (@jokendray) April 14, 2021
Jason: “Me and Alana were never together”#MAFS pic.twitter.com/PqWg1uRCzm
— PUNKEE (@itspunkee) April 14, 2021
Jason pulling off a classic Ross ?#MAFSAU #MAFS #MAFSAustralia pic.twitter.com/imB1CVpp9z
— Married At First Sight Experts (@mafsexperts) April 14, 2021
A noticeable absence from dinner is Cameron, but he eventually rocks up at the last minute. Sam confronts Cam for dissing him on the show, while Samantha calls out Coco for her relationship with Cam.
Samantha when Cam walked in. #MAFS pic.twitter.com/tavdjVkJxt
— Ashlee (@_itsashleeee_) April 14, 2021
G H O T – GHOSTED ???? #MAFS #MAFSAustralia #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/yvebEVSTE1
— Georgie Pengelly (@GeorginaPengell) April 14, 2021
sam yelling at cam eating his pork belly #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/p9BFTqgCA6
— anthony (@IceCreamTony) April 14, 2021
Everyone calling each other flogs. #mafs #mafsau pic.twitter.com/Y7irObA5Jh
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) April 14, 2021
Best thing about this show is an expert having to explain to the overseas expert what a ‘flog’ is #mafs #mafsau
— Hopzilla (@trinnybopper) April 14, 2021
Jason asking what’s wrong with these people is making my head spin. #mafs #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/JWC29IA3Xx
— Kylie Orr (@KylieOrrWriter) April 14, 2021
Russell, meanwhile, just trying to enjoy his steak amid all the drama: #MAFS pic.twitter.com/g1BnTDiFzQ
— seapunk aesthete ? (@BiancaNeveXO) April 14, 2021
Bryce claims his alleged secret girlfriend called Melissa to deny everything. However, Booka tells a different story, claiming that the woman was told by Bryce to deny their relationship. Either way, Melissa doesn’t care. Bec then turns the tables on Jake and Booka – she says they apparently kissed on NYE and that’s why she broke up with Jake. Sounds fake but OK.
Mafs: 35 people telling you the same thing
Melissa:#mafs #mafsau pic.twitter.com/O8BoFgu4uS— Unlucky Lingerie (@unluckylingerie) April 14, 2021
Jake could've kissed his grandma on NYE and Bec would have broken it off for cheating #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Andy (@Skualg) April 14, 2021
Bec looking for every excuse to break up with Jake. #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/oeTG3GsYTi
— Shalailah Medhora (@shalailah) April 14, 2021
Bring on Sunday night’s finale!