Tonight’s Rollercoaster ‘MAFS’ Dinner Party Retold Via The Funniest Tweets
Well, love is dead on Married at First Sight. I mean, that’s an evergreen statement really, but it turns out it was Booka and Brett who were this year’s Cathy and Josh – a perfect match at the start, only to explode in front of our eyes halfway through the experiment.
Tonight’s dinner party finally saw Bryce take a backseat and stop hogging up the screen, even though Bec did her best to antagonise him all night. The main focus was on Booka and Brett, still reeling from the bombshell letter Patrick and Belinda dropped on them the night before.
Booka was on a mission to find out the truth – did Brett say these nasty, horrible things about her to Patrick or did Patrick take some artistic license in his feedback letter? While Patrick was backed into a corner of whether to defend himself or be the scapegoat for his best friend, one thing was abundantly obvious – Booka deserves much better than whatever all of this shit is.
With Brett stating he was exhausted, and Booka searching for an apology from her husband (that just never came) it’s safe to assume we’ll be bidding farewell to these two at the next commitment ceremony.
I’d like to take the time to ask you all to vote for ‘Brett’ for number 1 in the Hottest 100 next year.
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Here’s tonight’s Married at First Sight dinner party retold via the best tweets.
Booka and Brett have moved into separate bedrooms, while Jake and Bec are somehow back on track. Just when you think you understand the couples on this show, they really keep you on the edge of your seat.
"Patrick will either have to portray himself as the arsehole, or Brett as the arsehole"
Porque no los dos? #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/3LXKE8I7IH
— Andy (@Skualg) March 24, 2021
So which of them de-Bretted the living room last night? #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Andrew Masters (@Lakitoo) March 24, 2021
Booka: how bad did you paint me out to your friends?
Brett:#MAFSAU #MAFSAustralia #MAFS pic.twitter.com/28YbwtNXi5
— deadplant15 (@deadplant15) March 24, 2021
Jake: “Bec and I are good”
Australia:#MAFS pic.twitter.com/Fllnq5nOlG
— ????? ???????? (@DylanMatthews91) March 24, 2021
At the cocktail party, Patrick describes after his and Belinda’s painting task “hands moved around” (what are we in, Year 9?!) and Bec tries to ask Bryce what he meant by her and Jake being “artificial”. While we all know he meant they’re fake AF, he tried to say it’s because they’re just so “up and down”.
Look, I dislike Bec in general but fuck I love her when she baits Bryce so#MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/GFd8OJsZjK
— bishcheese (@bishcheese) March 24, 2021
Bryce trying to stay out of trouble at the Dinner Party #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/QOzaocDLIF
— Mike Hauser (@Hauser_Mike) March 24, 2021
I kind of hope the first thing Booka says when she walks through the door is "Have I told anyone how awesome my band is?" #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Colonel Kickhead (@colonelkickhead) March 24, 2021
Booka and Brett arrive and it’s clear they aren’t happy. Patrick’s nerves start showing as he says he wants to defend himself but also doesn’t want to throw Brett under the bus. IDK Patrick, I wouldn’t fuck with a woman in a heavy metal band, that’s all I’m saying.
Booka walking into this dinner party to everyone else there.#MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/iJslunp518
— So Dramatic! Podcast (@sodramaticpod) March 24, 2021
Okay I’m already done with Brett pretending this letter was a blindside. Patrick got all of that info from you mate #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/egM0FIfTmv
— Daisy (@daisyjane____) March 24, 2021
Patrick to Jake right now… #mafs #mafsau pic.twitter.com/K2HJn51x4M
— Four Letters Podcast (@fourlettersshow) March 24, 2021
Booka is a unapologetic badass woman and Patrick and Brett are intimidated ?♀️ #mafs
— sad shell by the sea shore (◡﹏◡✿) (@Spookysadghoul) March 24, 2021
The producers putting Booka between Patrick and Brett. #mafs #mafsau pic.twitter.com/VRju8tuEsM
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) March 24, 2021
Booka Ready to eat Patrick alive tonight #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/RMC6Y9GreE
— esmé squalor (@aliceaye) March 24, 2021
Bec tries to antagonise Bryce at the dinner party, but he manages to keep a lid on it, even when she suggests he does a lie detector test about their convo in the gym.
Bryce: 31 years of my life and I've been involved in drama twice, the last two weeks.#MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/vz7MH5s2Mq
— Married At First Sight Experts (@mafsexperts) March 24, 2021
Bec right now… #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/mijV6IPqAD
— Matt (@WriterMatt2) March 24, 2021
Bryce’s advice to himself before the lie detector #mafs #mafsau pic.twitter.com/KsfZyWNfBu
— Ben Shute (@Ben_Shute) March 24, 2021
We're all done with the whole Bryce and girl friend outside the show drama.
New week, new drama.#MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/rEpxqE7sFZ
— Married At First Sight Experts (@mafsexperts) March 24, 2021
Booka asks Patrick about the letter in front of Brett. Brett tries to step in, telling Patrick the wording of the letter was unfair. When Booka presses Patrick for more info on what Brett has said about her, he replies with “oh just the stuff in the letter”.
A graphic representation of Booka and Patrick at tonight’s dinner party #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/puLUEdDv1C
— i love tacos | UP #1 (@LuisKikeBA) March 24, 2021
Note to self Brett, dont gossip to the awkward guy who has no social skills or tact#MAFSAU #MAFS
— Erin Grant | #Aboriginallivesmatter (@erinomelette) March 24, 2021
Bretts face after Patrick said he just wrote down brett’s words omg this is priceless #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/1YBzLefA2G
— Daisy (@daisyjane____) March 24, 2021
Patrick to Brett. #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/3NB1h2QsBg
— Gozza (@Gozza08) March 24, 2021
Brett moves away, complaining he is “exhausted” (same, bitch!). Johnny tells Brett that Booka doesn’t know how he feels about her, which kicks off Brett and Booka going around in circles again.
Imagine have Brett as a psychologist
You: so these are my issues
Brett: oh my god I’m literally exhausted #mafs #mafsau
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) March 24, 2021
Brett: "What I said to her she's just not seeing it"….but the point is you didn't say it to her, you agreed with a letter written by someone else that said it after you told them that behind her back. Take some responsibility for that at least. #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Colonel Kickhead (@colonelkickhead) March 24, 2021
Brett's out here acting like he's having a rectal exam.#MAFS #MAFSAU
— So Dramatic! Podcast (@sodramaticpod) March 24, 2021
oof imagine psychologist brett telling one his patients that they’re too intense and he’s trying to lighten the mood #MAFS pic.twitter.com/AApnBJqXsp
— kiki ? (@violettfemmes) March 24, 2021
Does Brett have an iron deficiency? So exhausted!! #MAFSAustralia #mafsau #mafs
— Matt Watson (@MattWatson1) March 24, 2021
So Brett thought wanted a wife who would challenge him intellectually and emotionally, but he actually wanted a bimbo who would make him feel good about himself. #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Emily Tammes (@EmilyTammes) March 24, 2021
How the fuck is Brett studying psychology when he doesn’t even know how to communicate with his own wife??
Imagine paying $150 a session and he just sits there for an hour and cries, turns red and you have to watch his hipster glasses start fogging up ? #MAFS #MAFSAU
— Michelle Rennex (@michellerennex) March 24, 2021
After Brett and Patrick make up, Patrick asks Booka how the dinner activity went. Unfortunately she didn’t take it as an opportunity to share the song ‘Brett’ with everyone at the table. Booka and Brett then pretty much breakup on the spot.
See just letting your friend, who sent a crazy malicious letter to your wife, off the hook while still giving your wife the hard time doesn’t sit well with me #mafs #mafsau
— Lil Nazza (@lil_nazza) March 24, 2021
it’s heartbreaking to see Booka and Brett’s relationship turn into a dumpster fire after we all thought they’d be the next Cam and Jules #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/Z38b2Kp0R7
— alysha (@intosneedy) March 24, 2021
Watching Booka and Brett break up. LOVE IS DEAD! #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/8bDM48vL4I
— Rachael (@_rachael94_) March 24, 2021
Bec tries to burst Melissa and Bryce’s happy love bubble, with the help of Liam, by telling Melissa she thought Bryce’s approach to her during that infamous gym chat was flirtatious. Bryce and Melissa eventually leave the dinner party.
Bec and Liam inviting Melissa to join them for a chat. #MAFS #MAFSAU #MAFSAustralia pic.twitter.com/uxse8DOE3R
— ???????? ? (@Axiomega) March 24, 2021
Liam the Ken doll is now Bec’s sidekick… #mafs #mafsau pic.twitter.com/1xKdIW8lUj
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) March 24, 2021
Melissa just said meeting the families went really well. Ummmmmm NO IT DIDN’T! #MAFSAU #MAFS pic.twitter.com/yWbJarY7cV
— Rachael (@_rachael94_) March 24, 2021
Hey Melissa… Rebecca isn't genuine, and about Bryce… #MAFSAustralia #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/BE2dkASdTy
— Rynehelm (@Rynehelm) March 24, 2021
Bryce calling Bec manipulative. #MAFS #MAFSAU pic.twitter.com/Bddl7bVQ1A
— Emily Tammes (@EmilyTammes) March 24, 2021