married at first sight tweets

The Funniest Tweets From Tonight’s ‘MAFS’ Dinner Party Garbage Fire

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Hooeeee boy. That was an episode! Married at First Sight promised one of the most chaotic dinner parties ever, and tbh, they pulled through…especially considering we’re only in week three of this shitshow.

Bryce continued to be the absolute worst, as he lectured Sam about respecting women tonight, while ignoring his own TV wife, Melissa, and making thoughtless jokes at her expense. Like seriously dude, joking about getting back with your ex is never OK. Tonight Bryce and Sam butted heads all night long, and in a move straight out of the Martha/Cyrell handbook, Bryce threw a glass of water over Sam. The drama of it all.

Meanwhile, Coco and Cameron eye-fucked across the dinner table, before Coco took it upon herself to tell Samantha that she was vibing with Cameron. I actually screamed! It was especially random, because Coco did not discuss this with Cameron first, so it took him off guard. And because Cameron is Cameron, he completely shut down, leaving Coco questioning if he’s even still into her.

It’s an absolute mess and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Tonight’s Married at First Sight dinner party garbage fire retold via hilarious tweets:

It’s dinner party time! Both Coco and Cameron are eager to see each other, and Coco did not come to play dressing up in a truly spectacular outfit.

Bryce is still furious at Sam after Sunday’s commitment ceremony, so drama seems inevitable.

All of the couples roll into the dinner party. Patrick warns Sam that Bryce is going to start conflict with him. Bryce arrives and Sam doesn’t greet him, then immediately Sam asks what Bryce’s problem is. It is on!!

Coco and Cameron stare at each other over the dinner table. Later in the night, everyone is talking about how great they’d be as a couple.

Eventually, Coco tells Samantha what everyone is saying. While Samantha initially gives Coco her blessing, she walks off and says she feels humiliated. We are all feeling for Samantha right now.

Bryce and Sam start arguing again and it ends in Bryce throwing a glass of water over Sam (and Patrick).

Things conclude in an awkward place between Coco and Cameron, as they both try to distance themselves from their “affair”. Cameron says he’s still invested in his marriage, and Samantha drops her wedding ring on the table. Boom!