A Bunch Of Disturbing Allegations Have Come To Light About Chris From ‘Married At First Sight’
He was sold to us as Married at First Sight’s perfect groom — with the good looks of a Hemsworth and the sensitive soul of a poet — but some deeply disturbing allegations have come to light about Chris Jensen that will have fans questioning everything.
Before appearing on this season of MAFS, Chris was arrested on drug charges and faced one count of trafficking dangerous drugs – serious organised crime. With his court case delayed until April 23, Chris still faces single charges of possessing dangerous drugs, possessing anything used in commission of a crime, possessing used utensils or pipes, along with two counts of possessing property suspected of being proceeds of an offence under the Drugs Misuse Act. As he was granted bail before MAFS began filming, this meant Chris could be included in this season of the reality show.
If producers were aware of these charges, it’s pretty baffling that Chris still made the cut.

Along with being linked to criminal allegations, on the latest episode of So Dramatic! a different side of Chris was presented that is rather alarming. Apparently Chris choosing to leave the experiment this week, after Jaimie Gardner said they should fake their relationship, is not painting the entire picture.
“Jaimie was actually the one who wanted to leave — not Chris. That morning, Jaimie pulled Chris aside to discuss the reality of their differences, to take some pressure off to see if they could find a spark. Chris lost his shit, and started yelling at Jaimie, [and] it was so bad that all the contestants in the adjacent rooms could hear it, even as far as down to hallway. He was screaming the house down,” Pustetto claimed.
The podcast host verified this account with some of the contestants, with one replying, “Chris got such a good edit, he was nothing like he’s being portrayed in real life. We could all hear Chris yelling at the top of his lungs at Jaimie the day that they left the show. I was shocked that they portrayed Jaimie as the villain, because it wasn’t like that at all. Chris was really aggressive and legit screaming at her, going off his head at her.”
Another contestant added, “Chris was straight-up acting the whole time. It is embarrassing to watch. As soon as the camera weren’t rolling, he was a completely different person. All Chris spoke about was his rock hard abs and how good his body was — there was nothing behind the facade. No one really liked him or had anything in common with him, but all of the contestants really liked Jaimie and said that she was really kind and [was] nothing like the bitch they made her out to be.”
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In regards to Chris’ concerning behaviour on the show, it seems like none of it made the final edit. “Chris was actually really aggressive to Jaimie during filming, however, we aren’t being shown any of it. We’re only being shown the snippets where she is responding to his treatment of her,” Pustetto claimed.
A friend of Jaimie’s told the podcast, “Jaimie was constantly crying and upset during filming because Chris was being aggressive and intimidating to her, he couldn’t manage his emotions and would have outbursts of anger,” the host relayed.
“On the honeymoon, Chris yelled right in her face over something super trivial, saying something like he’d been controlled in relationships before and, ‘Don’t you ever fucking speak to me like that again,’ before slamming the door in her face and walking out. Her friend said Jaimie was terrified and broke down crying to producers, but her complaints fell on deaf ears.”
So, why the hell did they cast this guy on the show? “According to one onset source, producers were desperate to get Chris on the show and his original bride actually pulled out at the last-minute and they found Jaimie as a last-minute resort on Instagram,” the host said.
“They [producers] said they always had an agenda to have Chris on the show because he’s hot. Producers didn’t want to put him as an aggressive, intimidating man because all the other guys on the show were already like that…poor Jaimie got made to look like a bitch by default.”
If this is true, I for one want to apologise to Jaimie for judging her based on what was shown on MAFS. It was clear in the episodes that something wasn’t adding up.
It would be great if this show stopped scapegoating women in order to make men into heroes.