How To Enjoy ’00s Banger ‘California’ Even Though Marissa Is Dead
For anyone whose life has been touched by the magnificent ’00s hit show The O.C., it’s common knowledge that the song ‘California’ by Phantom Planet will forever draw you right back into that dramatic teen universe.
‘California‘ is a fantastic song. It is damn good music. Wonderful use of piano. And it’s not that there’s anything wrong with being pulled back into the sun-kissed, teen-romance-fueled, ridiculously wealthy land of The O.C… we’ve had some good times there.

But we also had some bad times. Some really bad times. Namely, the death of Marissa Cooper in the season three finale, dying dramatically in Ryan’s arms. That was just fucked up, guys.

Now it’s practically impossible to enjoy this great track and iconic theme music because how can we when Marissa is freaking dead?! Eugh, why did they do this to a good show and a good song?!
Good news though! We’ve created a practical how-to guide that can help you to enjoy ‘California’ again, and just get through day-to-day life without feeling crippled with grief over the loss of a fictional character. (I’m mainly sad for Ryan tbh but either way, still very upsetti-spaghetti.)
We’ve got strategies guys, so there’s no need to keep suffering. Just give these bad boys a crack.
1. Close your eyes and remember the good times
There’s nothing wrong with holding on to the past if things were just plain better back then. What we are trying to do here is disassociate the traumatic mems with this song so that it doesn’t trigger a full-blown, The-O.C.-broke-my-heart, meltdown.
Focus on the good times when no one was bleeding out (except maybe Trey, because f*** that guy).
Who could forget this iconic moment when Marissa and Ryan met?

And remember when they spooned in Tijuana?

Good, wholesome times.
How about Marrisa NOT getting with Oliver on New Year’s Eve because Ryan ran up all those stairs so fast, like, damn boy look at you go… and then made it just in time!

And the Christmas shopping mall montage!!! Very cute! (Until Marissa got caught shoplifting and things got heavy #happyholidays #troubledteen.)

Just concentrate on all the wonderful Ryan and Marissa content to try to dull the pain from the giant aching hole in your heart.

2. Read The O.C. fan fiction in which Marissa and Ryan live happily ever after
Seek refuge in fictional worlds where Marissa and Ryan are both alive and well, and then maybe, just maybe, you’ll be able to listen to ‘California’ without crying. Plus… it might be hot.

A cursory Google shows me that there is plenty of Ryan and Marissa fan fic available, tailored to each and every fetish. Woohoo, escapism!
3. Try to remember the shitty things about Marissa
Let’s really marinate in some key times she hurt Ryan so we can all miss Marissa a little less.
Remember Oliver. Remember how Ryan said not to trust him. Remember how Marissa was like “Nah shut up Ryyyyyyannnn I don’t trust YOU!”

Or that time she chose Johnny…?!

No, Marissa. No.
4. Watch the death scene until you are numb
Fair warning, this one hasn’t been road tested yet and it really could go either way. In theory, it could be a winner, but in practice, you might be irretrievably plunged into a dark hole of sadness. But if you accidentally end up dead inside then ‘California’ probably won’t bother you anyway, so it didn’t not work.
5. Remember that Ryan found love again with Taylor
This might work for some of you but personally, I actually hate Taylor and Ryan together. I DO NOT SHIP IT! It honestly just doesn’t work and I’m still kinda salty about it.
But if that’s what you’re into then you do you… (traitor).
Yea, nah, lol soz.
6. Embrace the emotions
Look, if you still can’t listen to The O.C. theme song without being overwhelmed by feelings of grief and bittersweet nostalgia tainted with the anxiety of ageing, then you’re just going to have to embrace it. Ride that emotional rollercoaster. What choice do we have?
Just let it out.

Really it’s ok to cry!

How good is crying tho.

Now that you are stocked with strategies to release you from the emotional trauma that has been tainting Phantom Planet’s ‘California’, you may proceed.
Oh God, who are we kidding this is futile. I will never not be upset about this.