Malcolm Turnbull Removes Knights & Dames From Order Of Australia
Ol’ mate Tony Abbott’s legacy has diminished just a little bit more today with the announcement that the Turnbull Government will scrap Knighthoods and Damehoods from the Order of Australia.
In a statement released this morning by Prime Minister Turnbull’s office, Knights and dames are “not appropriate” in a modern Australian honours system.

“Awards in the order of Australia are an important way of honouring the achievements and service of many Australians, including those unsung heroes who might not otherwise be recognised outside their local communities.”
The honour was re-introduced by Tony Abbott in March 2014 and drew an outpouring of public anger when Prince Philip received a knighthood on Australia Day in 2015. The British monarch had the title bestowed upon him ahead of a shitload of Australians that would have been more deserving recipients.

The decision to scrap the honour was made by the new PM’s recently formed cabinet. They collectively agreed that it made little sense and held minimal significance in modern day Australia.
Luckily for true blue, fairdinkum, bloke’s bloke, Prince Phil, the change will not affect existing knights and dames of the order.
Image via Herald Sun