GAWD NO: MAFS Love Score Is Zero After Melissa & John Confirm Breakup
The only couple left over from the hellish love experiment known as Married at First Sight have broken up. Our TV mum and TV dad, Melissa and John, are dunzo. What a world.
At the time the finale aired, three united couples emerged but news quickly filtered through that Sarah and Telv, along with Charlene and Patrick had called it quits.
All our hopes were pinned of Melissa and John, however both parties took to Instagram earlier today to confirm their split.
John’s post read:
“It has been a very difficult decision and it makes us both very sad to say we have decided to no longer continue as a couple . We still have the utmost respect for each other but have found significant differences in our lives and expectations in relationships.
“We have spoken at length about how to make it work and have been spending time with each other to let our relationship unfold but both agree it doesn’t feel like it’s going anywhere . We still care deeply for each other as friends and will never forget the incredible times we have had together.”
It cuts deep. It cuts real deep. Melissa also posted a similiar message that will trigger all ya feelz.
Melissa posted to the ‘gram:
“It has been a very difficult decision and it makes us both very sad to say we have decided to no longer continue as a couple . We still have the utmost respect for each other but have found significant differences in our lives and expectations in relationships,” she said.
“I could not have gone through this process with anybody else as John is a wonderful and kind man . I am very disappointed that it hasn’t worked as I went into the experiment looking for true love.”
The news is all kinds of grim, fam. This means that the experts successfully created ZERO couples, while the MAFS gang switched and randomly formed THREE new relationships since the series wrapped.
I vote next season we just choose matches by shaking a Magic 8-Ball and hoping for the best.