MAFS’ Jonesy Has Gone Into Hiding & Deleted His Instagram After Last Night’s Episode
Well, you can’t say he didn’t have it coming.
Last night on ‘Married at First Sight Australia’, viewers witnessed one of the biggest loadsof BS that has ever graced the small screen. As Andrew a.k.a Jonesy was quizzed over dinner on what he had said about Cheryl on the ‘boys night’, he had the nerve to deny any wrongdoing – and was even backed by the majority of the blokes blatantly lying.
It was a disgusting reminder of how the lazy defence of ‘boys being boys’ is utter nonsense. Twitter was not having it, with hundreds of users airing their disgust over how terribly Cheryl was being treated at the dinner.
#9Married I am physically disgusted by the behaviour – at what point to the experts actually intervene and do the eithical thing #mafs
— Jody Phillips (@jodyrana1981) March 7, 2017
#9married I am seriously disgusted by these guys. Can't wait til their partners see the footage & see their new hubbies are lying pigs
— Lisa (@MissLisaJane) March 7, 2017
The only reason Jonesy was pulled up on his gross behavior was because of legends Sean and Simon. Obvs, the only two men at the dinner table last night. The rest of the lads backed Jonesy (i.e. lied through their teeth) and even twins Sharon and Michelle were trying to shrug it off as mere banter.
But since Jonesy has been trialed and served via reality TV, after last night’s ep he was met with the wrath of thousands of angry Australian women – demanding justice for Cheryl.

Since MAFS is watched by almost 2 million viewers, that’s a fairly sizable angry mob. In reaction to the abuse directed his way, Jonesy has deleted his Instagram, even telling NW Magazine, “I haven’t left the house”.
Hopefully during Sunday night’s commitment ceremony, the ‘boys will be boys’ banter is played for all to see and judge for themselves.