Some Low-Life Scumbag Told Tony Abbott To “Fuck Off And Die”
Some bloke filmed himself walk up to former Prime Minister, Tony Abbott and suggest that he should “fuck off and die.”
Yesterday, Tony Abbott cast a lonely figure at the Manly Ferry Terminal, handing out brochures ahead of the July 2nd election. He was abruptly confronted by a cowardly bloke who proceeded to unleash a verbal attack on him whilst hiding behind his camera phone.
Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s all well and good to dislike Abbott. During his time in office, he was widely and understandably ridiculed for his outdated standpoint on marriage equality and lack of compassion towards asylum seekers. It’s totally justifiable to call the bloke a “homophobic dinosaur,” but to wish death upon him is taking things way too far.
Since Tone was shown the door in Federal Parliament, he’s kept a pretty low profile. Losing your job in such a public and brutal way would take a personal toll on one’s mental health. Even if you think his political legacy is a shit-stain on our great nation, there’s no doubt that he deserves more respect than he received from this gutter rat.
It’s a pretty sad state of affairs when an ex PM can be publicly spoken to in such a way. Just because a person disagrees with your political views surely does not warrant public abuse in such a nasty and abrupt manner.
Of course, no name has been credited to the video, but Pedestrian.tv have uploaded it for your viewing displeasure.
If you, or somebody you know are experiencing anxiety, depression, or suicidal thoughts, contact these guys: Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week), Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, or Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14.