Get Yo Lurk On: Here Are The Insta Accounts For The ‘Love Island Australia’ Cast
Love Island Australia officially starts this Sunday – and it’s important to prepare and study up for what you’re about to feast your eyes upon.
Yep, this means lurking all the Insta accounts of the recently announced contestants and getting well-acquainted with them. Well, online at least.

Without further ado, I present to you this comprehensive list of Insta accounts to go look at when you’re either meant to be studying, working, or when The Voice is on and you’re waiting for something else to start.
1. Charlie Taylor, the rugby player
Most likely to: Say things like “let’s just have fun”, while winking suggestively.
2. Erin, the nurse
Most likely to: Have a drunk cry but not even mess up her eyeliner.
3. Justin, the international model
Most likely to: Drop the fact he’s an international model in every conversation.
4. Millie, doggy daycare worker
Most likely to: Laugh really loudly at jokes that make zero sense.
5. Eden, prison officer
Most likely to: Have an unhealthy loyalty towards “da boiz”.
6. Cassidy, bartender
Most likely to: Say she’s always got along with boys better than girls.
7. Grant, electrician
Most likely to: Send a dick pic out of the blue and ask if you liked it.
8. Natasha, beauty salon owner
Most likely to: Say things like “no offense, hon, but…”
9. Josh, sports administrator
Most likely to: Reminisce constantly about the time he did Contiki in Europe.
10. Tayla, beauty queen
Most likely to: Have a crack at going on The Bachelor after this is done and dusted.
Love Island Australia premieres on May 27 at 8:30pm on 9Go and 9Now.