LONG LIVE HEALTHY HAROLD: The Gov Almost Killed Off A Giraffe Puppet & People Had Feelings
It’s been a tense 24 hours. The government nailed a dagger into the heart of Healthy Harold, as Life Education Australia faced post-budget funding cuts – ruining childhoods across the nation.
But now the gov has spectacularly backflipped, and the health-conscious giraffe, van-dwelling puppet will live on. The change of heart came as a growing mob of Aussies vented their disappointment to the ending of the program. It prompted users on Twitter reminisced over their experiences with the yellow fluffy puppet that taught us about sex.

But let’s real talk for a sec, looking back at our childhood years: Healthy Harold was very strange Australian education tool.
While Education Minister Simon Birmingham last night confirmed that Healthy Harold and his dark van would continue being government funded, the news has brought back some not-so-innocent memories.
Mostly people on Twitter have been having flashbacks to that time at school, where as a child we were all forced into a pitch-black van and taught about health, sex and drugs by a talking giraffe puppet. What. The. Hell. Was. That.
Check out some of the hilarious mixed responses below:
Axing the Healthy Harold program? All kids need to be led into a dark van by a giraffe & taught about stranger danger
— Hayley Richardson (@smeagols_twin) May 30, 2017
I don't know what Healthy Harold was for the rest of u but in 90s Perth it was a van you were led into where a giraffe man talked about sex
— Kaitlyn Plyley (@kplyley) May 30, 2017
I went to Catholic school so Healthy Harold wasn't allowed to talk about sex or drugs, he just told us not to be racist
— pastel twink (@twinkbahn) May 30, 2017
healthy harold was a snitch and i'm glad he's dead
— dan (@dannolan) May 30, 2017
On our last visit with Healthy Harold in year 6 we were shown (at request) where the hand went into Harold and a girl burst into tears
— Bridie Jabour (@bkjabour) May 30, 2017
A kid in my class got suspended for punching the Healthy Harold puppet
— Joe McKenzie (@aJoeMcKenzie) May 30, 2017
On our last visit with Healthy Harold in year 6 we were shown (at request) where the hand went into Harold and a girl burst into tears
— Bridie Jabour (@bkjabour) May 30, 2017
All these people saying that Happy Healthy Harold taught them about sex but all I remember him teaching me is what kidneys are
— Rohan's almond (@RJSalmond) May 30, 2017
Then there were the rest… that never got to know the street smart giraffe.
Am i the only person who has never heard of Healthy Harold?
— Dee Madigan (@deemadigan) May 31, 2017
Did Queensland have Healthy Harold or an equivalent? I remember a dog being let loose at school once but he didn't give us any advice.
— Peter Taggart (@petertaggart) May 30, 2017