LOADED FOR LOVE: Matty J Is About To Become The Highest Paid Aussie Bachelor And Here’s Why
Reality TV stars don’t earn much for their time appearing in shows that ultimately crush their dignity to fulfil our sick sense of entertainment, but Matty J is the exception.
Apart from recruiting Instagram fans, free tickets to the races and the occasional sponsorship deal, the stars of the Bachelor earn around $90 a day for their time. IMO, that’s not too shabby for living it up for free in a gigantic mansion, free grub, meeting a whole bunch of new besties and going on some incredible, once in a lifetime sponsored dates.
It actually looks like a shitload of fun and who knows, some of the contestants might even fall in love.
Having had his soppy emotional feelings hit for six by Georgia Love in 2016, it seems Matty J needed some extra convincing to return as the Australian Bachelor this year. Either that or the bloke knows how to swing himself a damn good deal.
News report that Matty J is raking in a fking whopping $200,000 dollarydoos for his new role in this season’s show. To put that into perspective, that’s 20 times (yes, T-W-E-N-T-Y) as much as desperado Richie Strahan brought in for being in the exact same position.

The big man is laughing all the way to the bank.
SO – Y U No Get Normal Pay, Matty J?

So apparently soon after his ‘breakup‘ (if you wanna call it that) with Georgia Love, Matty J rebound with smokin’ beautiful model Nathalie Darcas. According to a whole bunch of trashy gossip mags – who we know never lie about this shit – Matty J was full in love with Darcas. <sarcasm> I believe she was also pregnant, had a secret child, was having an affair, having a battle with an ‘ex-fling’ and cured cancer etc…</sarcasm>.
There were also reports he was dating model/athlete Amy Pejkovic and there were numerous other similar reports. It’s hard to keep track of this fluff, so who knows what was really going on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The point is, Matty J can almost walk up to any single lady in the street and instantly have them swooning. He’s also surrounded by stacks of glamorous people and he doesn’t need to seek out a TV show to help him connect and ‘find love’ – as the show will likely script him to say. Meanwhile, he’s got career commitments, family commitments (his sister was pissed that he had returned from London to spend time with her new baby and then disappeared to be on The Bachelorette).
Meanwhile, Network Ten have been flooded by viewer petitions, emails and social media campaigns urging the producers to return Matty J to our screens this year. Don’t believe us, take a look at the action we covered back in October after the Bachelorette wrapped up.

Clearly, Network Ten needed Matty J more than he needs them. Considering The Bachelor Australia pulled in around $30 million in promotional deals last year, it’s fair to say they’ll get plenty of ‘bang’ for their buck, so to speak.
Matty J and/or management would have been clearly aware of this and with no desperate need to return to the show, keen to get some value out of it. All in all, it’s a win-win for us all… so best of luck to the great man!