How Listening To Da Rude’s ‘Sandstorm’ Every Night Changed My Life And Could Change Yours Too
WARNING! Important worldly wisdom coming in HOT: Studies show that Da Rude’s iconic EDM banger ‘Sandstorm’ has the power to change your entire life for the better. The secret lies in relentlessly incorporating it thoroughly into your daily routine.
Hello there, and congratulations on taking the first step towards a better life. I will be upfront with you now and clarify that when I said ‘studies show’ – what I actually meant was that I gave this a crack and it was great. Fair to say that it’s also likely to represent the universal experience.
Lastly, always consult a qualified medical professional before beginning any new lifestyle or exercise program. Okay – now that’s out of the way…

…Let’s talk about ‘Sandstorm’.
While you might think it only works magic on the dance floor, when used correctly, it can actually improve so many more aspects of your day-to-day life and general existence.
The rule of thumb is this – the more you listen to ‘Sandstorm’, the better. But let’s start with the most crucial addition to your routine, which is listening to AT LEAST a few repeats of the song every night before bed. The changes you will see will shock and amaze you.
Before I was tired, an insomniac, drained, I had no rhythm, I had no friends, dogs didn’t like me. Now, I’m a well-rested machine with more mates and beats than I know what to do with.
I owe it all to Da Rude. So to help you understand how ‘Sandstorm’ works its magic, I’ve broken it down into the key reasons it’s guaranteed to improve your sleep and general life quality. Read and then maybe you can get on my level.
1. Monotonous sounds are proven to lull the brain towards slumber
I swear I really have science on my side with this one. If you have trouble getting to sleep then monotonous music is just what the doctor ordered. Not only does the ‘Sandstorm’ hook thrive on repetition, it’s also minimalist and the perfect balance between imposing and soothing. So lie down and turn it UP.
Now you can enjoy a peaceful sleep full of peaceful dreams. You are welcome.

2. No pesky lyrics to distract you!!!
Lyric-less music is perfect for luring you into a meditative headspace. No narrative to distract you or any sign of a noise actually created by a human on this track! Just good old, machine made, wordless noise.
Lose yourself in the trance.

3. Familiarity is your friend
‘Sandstorm’ is familiar. ‘Sandstorm’ is comforting. ‘Sandstorm’ is an old friend. ‘Sandstorm’ is home.
Coming back to something that your brain knows and understands every day creates a happy and safe space for your body and mind to relax into. Let ‘Sandstorm’ be the roots that ground you each and every day. In my experience, working ‘Sandstorm’ into your morning routine sets the tone for an uplifting and productive day.

4. Gr8 for blowing off some steam
Have a boogie. Get all that excess energy out in the form of a solo dance sesh. Perfect for when you get out of the shower in the morning, or when you’re suffering from some 3.30-itis and need to pick yourself out of that mid-day slump.

Now, thanks to the dank beats of your good friend ‘Sandstorm’, you are full of endorphins and ready to work, rest and play.
5. Doesn’t it just remind you of the good times
What could be better than sitting back and thinking of all of the wonderful moments in your life when ‘Sandstorm’ has played and turned a party from a 6 to a hard 10. Nothing. Nothing could be better than this.
Really marinate in that nostalgia.

6. This is the best song in the world, that’s why
Just listen to it and try to tell me it isn’t doing THINGS.
7. Have you seen this, I mean wow
Powerful stuff. Nothing to do with my study. But – woow.
8. There are so many success stories out there!
Trust me when I say that there are SO many people whose lives have been changed by this. I can only show you these two examples right now because I have places to be – but I swear to you there are many more stories out there if you look hard enough.
Just add it to your routine wherever you can! Think of the benefits!
If you did not start your day with Da Rude – Sandstorm, then you did not start your day properly as far as I am concerned…
— Michael Less (@MysticGnarwhal) January 15, 2018
Excellent idea. This could be you:

It literally enhances any and every aspect of your life.
i never knew note taking could be so intense when you listen to da rude’s sandstorm while studying
— Bob Percentage % (@FrappierMike) December 11, 2017
Look forward to hearing your success stories when you join the ‘Sandstorm’ self-help revolution.