Let’s Get Ready To Rumblr – The New App That is Revolutionising the World of Fighting
Image Source: Fight Club Movie
Do you ever find yourself sitting at home wishing you could get your head kicked in by a complete stranger? Well now dreams have become a reality with the help of the new tinder inspired street-fighting app – Rumblr.
The beta for the app is now ready for testing and the first 2,000 people who registered have been sent their invites to try out the world’s first social media brawling app.
Here’s what the developers have promised:
Rumblr is an app for recreational fighters to find, meet, and fight other brawl enthusiasts nearby.
The app will also include a chat feature so you can trash talk your opponents and a map so other users can find when and where fights are taking place.

Image source: nydailynews.com
Don’t worry feminists, this isn’t only for the Tyler Durdens of the world. Ladies will have the option to swipe through women only fights using the RumblHER filter.
Just like every other social media app, users have the ability to create their own profiles, so you’ll be able to show off your wins, losses, weight, and height.
The website promises that the app will be coming soon to the App Store, but the team has to sort out some obvious legal issues with Apple before the brawls can start.
Just remember, the one rule about fight club:

GIF source: Metro.co.uk
After stirring plenty of controversy and even fooling high-profile Aussie boxer, Danny Green, it seems that the app is actually just a clever marketing stunt. According to Business Insider, Rumblr was created by developer Jack Kim and marketing executive Matt Henderson as a viral gag. Escalating more than they had expected, it seems they had everybody fooled.