Lena Dunham Slams Kanye West’s Famous Naked Vid, Labels It ‘Disturbing’ & ‘Sickening’
Lena Dunham is the latest voice to jump in on the Kanye West ‘Famous’ debate – but she comes with invested interest… Her BFF is Taylor Swift.
Posting to her Facebook page this morning Dunham wrote a lengthy post, sharing her views on Kanye’s new Famous music video. Fair to say that she is far from thrilled.

The video features naked bodies lying in a white sheeted bed, that are the likenesses of George W. Bush, Donald Trump, Anna Wintour, Rihanna, Chris Brown, Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian West, Kardashian’s ex Ray J, Amber Rose, Caitlyn Jenner and Bill Cosby.
Her post comments were largely to do with the inclusion of people such as Bill Cosby and Chris Brown, laying side by side with the naked bodies of some of her female heroes, such as Taylor Swift and Rihanna.
“I’m sure that Bill Cosby doll being in the bed alongside Donald Trump is some kind of statement, that I’m probably being trolled on a super high level. I know that there’s a hipper or cooler reaction to have than the one I’m currently having.
“But guess what? I don’t have a hip cool reaction, because seeing a woman I love like Taylor Swift (fuck that one hurt to look at, I couldn’t look), a woman I admire like Rihanna or Anna [Wintour], reduced to a pair of waxy breasts made by some special effects guy in the Valley, it makes me feel sad and unsafe and worried for the teenage girls who watch this and may not understand that grainy roving camera as the stuff of snuff films,” Dunham said.
“Here’s the thing, Kanye: you’re cool. Make a statement on fame and privacy and the Illuminati or whatever is on your mind! But I can’t watch it, don’t want to watch it, if it feels informed and inspired by the aspects of our culture that make women feel unsafe even in their own beds, in their own bodies.”
Here’s the original Facebook post.
Dunham went on to touch on the Brock Turner rape case and the inclusion of Bill Cosby in the video.