BIP’s Leah Just Posted A Cryptic Message Hinting Her Engagement Was All A Lie
Leah of Bachelor In Paradise fame has today come out to ‘suggest’ her engagement ring was a mere ploy to trick the media into believing her fake news. Also, apparently trashy reality TV isn’t 100% real – it’s edited, ya’ know.
After her departure from the island this week, Leah did the media rounds and when asked about the fancy bling on her engagement finger, she confirmed the bloke was a celeb “known to the public”. It turns out this was all BS and we fell for it hook, line and sinker. Oh well.
Leah posted a close-up of the apparent ‘engagement ring’ to Instagram while highlighting that ‘fake news’ is impacting “countless political campaigns, wars, media and now reality tv“!
Anything but our precious reality TV! What is the world coming to?!?!
Here’s the gram:
The long (and I mean looooong) post includes the following:
“In an era of fake news and ‘unreal’ tv, we are all constantly left questioning what to believe. Editing and manipulation are often highlighted when we are discussion the media. But what about the power of suggestion?”
“Now let’s focus in a little more on bachelor in paradise. Can I have a show of hands how many people truly believed they would see a same sex relationship form between @eloratahiti and @megan.leto.marx?
“Without ever having said it was, by carefully suggesting that the dark haired figure in the water kissing Megan could be in fact Elora, you all created and accepted your own version of the truth, without the producers ever having actually lied.”
She continued:
“You may have all seen a sparkly ring appear on my finger. Without having ever said I am engaged and without having ever confirmed or denied it, without even used the term myself and even despite clearly stating last night on the project “your putting words in my mouth” I have managed to show you all the power of suggestion.
For you to then go and create your own version of the truth based upon the little information suggested.”
I ask you all to understand the power of television and the integrity of the media. Educate yourselves about the things you are watching and the power of suggestion, but most of all take it with a grain of salt.”
It’s a lot of this kind of stuff and tbh, there’s a lot to process here.
Leah is, of course, welcome to stand against the way she has been portrayed on TV. She was the victim of some bad ‘villain’ editing and as a result, was met with her unfair share of public trolling and online bullying (as is, unfortunately, the case for many other reality TV stars).
Even though these contestants sign their lives away for our amusement (often with the hope of fame and some IG followers), nobody should have to suffer public bullying. Bullying sucks. It stinks! Full stop.
But we’re a little confused because no one would have asked/cared about her engagement if she wasn’t wearing a ring in the first place… let alone telling everyone her fiancé was famous.
In our opinion, it’s almost like she’s trying to manufacture her own scandal, boost her media air time and then draw people back to her Instagram feed. Could it be?

If that’s the case and this is the intended result – then damn – we’ve fallen for it again. Well played. Genius.
Regardless of the real intention, we don’t really understand how her actions relate at all to BIP’s queerbaiting, which is actually a legitimate concern and something that neither Megan or Elora were masterminding for their own benefit.
As Patrick Lenton discussed on Junkee, the whole practice of queerbaiting isn’t just offensive, it’s a cynical and ruthless play on marginalised people’s identities for profit. Leah’s engagement ring stunt – not so much.
At this point, we don’t actually know whether Leah is even engaged.
Who knows, maybe she’ll turn around when her BIP media contract expires and later confirm that she is engaged, fooling the media and the public all over again. It’s all a massive mindfuck tbh and we don’t know what to believe – but I guess that’s the point.