Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Could Face Jail Time Over Taylor Swift ‘Famous’ Scandal
It’s no secret that Taylor Swift is really f*cking pissed off with Kimye right now and she might be willing to make them suffer for the mess they’ve made.
Yesterday, Kim Kardashian leaked video footage on Snapchat that showed husband, Kanye West gaining TayTay’s supposed ‘approval’ to use some interesting lyrics about her in his song ‘Famous’.
Swift hit back on social media, saying “you cannot ‘approve’ a song you haven’t heard,” and that she was unaware of the lyrics that referred to her as “that bitch”.

The Sun are now reporting that Taylor’s legal team are seriously considering taking dramatic steps that could potentially see the superstar couple sent to prison.
Kanye and Kim have apparently violated the Californian penal code 632. The law makes it illegal to record calls without mutual permission. If charged, the couple could spend three years behind bars.
A US source revealed: “Taylor’s team believe that Kanye and Kim have quite clearly broken the law.
“They are on a mission to destroy Taylor but there could be serious consequences because they made the phone call from California where it is illegal to tape calls without permission.”

The Sun had previously revealed that Swifty’s lawyers had ordered Kimye to destroy the tape, which they of course totally ignored and instead decided to share it to the world via Snapchat.
Brace yourselves, things could get ugly.
Story via The Sun