KFC Have Created Food Packaging That Will Legit Charge Your Phone
KFC India have created the ‘Watt A Box’ – food packaging that recharges your phone while you eat. Yes, this is a thing.
How often do you find yourself tucking into some Wicked Wings after a big night out on the town, only to find your phone has died before you can snap chat/gram/post your nutritious meal to your mates – #latenightfeed. Too many to count, right?
Yeah, me too ?
Well, KFC India has a solution for all our low battery woes.
The fast food brand’s newly created’Watt A Box’ comes with five popular meal items and an an inbuilt power bank with charging cables to fuel your phone while you fuel yourself. Seems like an all around win to us. KFC Australia please take note.
The fast food company were *inspired* and wanted to rethink what a meal box could do.
The catch?
Right now, the boxes are only available through a week-long contest on KFC India‘s Facebook page which you have to be in the region to view. This might be the only thing KFC Australia can do to please us over after taking Hot’N’Spicy off the menu.

KFC Recharge Watt A Box – Via Mashable