6 Of The Most Dramatic Things That Have Happened On ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’, Ranked

Reality on demand.
It’s fair to say that the Kardashians are a dramatic bunch. The last 16 seasons of Keeping Up With The Kardashians have been wall-to-wall drama and that’s what keeps us ~keeping up~ every single week.
We decided to take a look back at the OTT moments that had us living.
#1 Kourtney and Kim fighting over the Christmas card

Apart from that time Kim hit Khloe with her handbag, there probably isn’t a more iconic fight in Kardashians history than this one. It all came about when Kris was trying to make a photoshoot for the family’s Christmas card fit around Kim’s schedule. Kim straight-up screamed at Kourtney: “Maybe if you had a f***ng business that you were passionate about then you would know what it takes to run a f***ing business, but you don’t.” After Kourt stormed out, Kim remarked that she’s the least exciting sister to look at anyway. Ah, sisterly love.
#2 Tristan cheating on Khloe with Jordyn

Even those who don’t watch KUWTK know all about the drama between Khloe, her baby daddy Tristan Thompson, and Kylie’s BFF Jordyn. It all comes to a head in an upcoming episode of season 17, when Kim reveals that Tristan doesn’t even speak to Khloe anymore, despite the two trying to co-parent one-year-old True.
It also looks like Jordyn is trying to get into contact with Khlo through Kylie, maybe to apologise? We don’t know about you, but we’re excited to see how this all goes down.
#3 Kourtney literally pulling Mason out of her body

It was always going to make for high-stress television when Kourtney let cameras into the birthing suite for the birth of her eldest son, Mason. Things really escalated when, just as he was about to pop out, Kourt leaned down to grab his shoulders and pull him out herself. Sure, it was kinda surreal to watch, but somehow heart-warming at the same time.
#4 Kim telling Khloe and Kourt about being robbed

By the time this episode aired, we’d already heard about how Kim feared for her life when she was robbed at gunpoint in Paris. But nothing could compare to the emotion that came when she told her sisters all about it on-camera. She recounted the full story and spoke about how sure she was that she was going to die.
#5 Kim attacking Khloe with her handbag

We didn’t call it one of the most iconic fights in the show’s history for nothing. Way back in season two, Kim and Khloe got into a heated argument after Kim overheard some of her siblings talking trash about her over Chipotle. Kim weaponised her handbag against her younger sis, and one of the most iconic gifs in KUWTK history was born.
#6 Kendall apologising for the Pepsi ad

In 2015, Kendall was the star of a controversial Pepsi ad which received huge amounts of backlash from the public. After being urged by Kim to own it and apologise, Kendall delivered a teary confession on the first episode of season 14. “I would never purposely hurt someone,” she said. “I just felt so f***ing stupid.”
The brand new season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians is now streaming on hayu, same day as the U.S. Click here to start your one month free trial.
(Images courtesy of hayu)