Kanye West Has Returned To Instagram And His Posts Are Confusing Everyone
So Kanye West has officially returned to Instagram and he’s making a damn confusing entrance. As of yet, it’s unclear wtf all these posts mean.
We haven’t heard from Kanye on Instagram or Twitter since May, 2017 and it’s been too quiet for too long. Thankfully he’s been posting non-stop for the last five-plus hours to quench our Kanye thirst. Welcome back Yeezy! We are all very confused by this content!!!

In the true Kanye spirit, he’s here to make a statement. What that statement is though, is not clear.
He kicked things off with a sweet, mellow, straight-forward, easy-to-interpret Valentine’s day message for Kim. Very understated. Very nice.
This was followed up by an onslaught of retro paparazzi pics of iconic couples, from the Obamas to Britney Spears and Kevin Federline.
At first you might think, ‘Sure, to honour his relo with Kim, Ye’s posting throwbacks to iconic couples’, but it seems kinda odd then to include so many couples that haven’t worked out.
Some with very famous splits. Plus some celebs appear in a few posts with different partners…
The mood board of famous couples doesn’t exactly scream ‘love lasts forever’. No one is really sure how to interpret the onslaught of posts.

Is he trying to tell us something? Is he starting a 90’s celeb throwback Insta account as a side project? Is he trolling us for kicks? Who knows. Classic Kanye, keeping us guessing.

Header via GQ.