“We’re All Pieces Of Shit”: Jules From ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ Wishes He Stirred The Pot A Little More
He was the quirky dude that showed Ali his butt tattoo on The Bachelorette and his on-again, off-again romance with Alisha had us all hooked during last year’s Bachelor In Paradise.
Jules Bourne has never been shy to be exactly who he is, and before Covid-19 hit he swung by the Punkee office to chat about his time on reality TV.

“If you go in there for real, you chuck your head and heart through the works,” Jules said about his time on Bachelor In Paradise. “The best part though is the WHOLE thing. You’re in Fiji, you’re young, you’re good looking, you’re with a bunch of other twenty to thirtysomething-year old people doing nothing but relaxing in the sun… it’s the best thing ever!”
However, Jules echoed Vanessa Sunshine’s sentiments, saying it’s worth knowing who you are before you go on a reality TV show.
“The whole experience will almost attempt to mould you into something you’re not,” Jule said on what it’s like to film the show. And if he was to give advice to anyone wanting to go on The Bachelor or Bachelorette? “Just relax, breathe, and be yourself.”
From the Bachelor In Paradise “surveillance cameras” to wishing he was a little bit more of a troublemaker, Jules didn’t hold back when recounting what it was like behind-the-scenes of the Bachy franchise.