JoJo Siwa Confirms She Has A Girlfriend & Publicly Thanks Her For Her Support
It’s official, JoJo Siwa has a girlfriend!
In an interview with Jimmy Fallon, the Dance Moms turned TikTok star spoke about what her coming out process was like.
For Some Essential Context…
Previously, we reported that JoJo Siwa had potentially come out.
She had posted a TikTok lip-syncing to Lady Gaga’s ‘Born This Way’ and she collaborated with the Pride House L.A. on some content. And not long after that day, Jojo Siwa confirmed that she identifies as queer by posting an Instagram story of herself wearing a t-shirt that said ‘best gay cousin ever.’ The caption for the photo was “my cousin got me a new shirt”.
My cousin got me a new shirt pic.twitter.com/DuHhgRto7b
— JoJo Siwa!?❤️? (@itsjojosiwa) January 22, 2021
JoJo Siwa On Fallon
On Wednesday night, JoJo Siwa hopped on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon to talk about what this experience was like. But, more importantly, she spoke about how her girlfriend (yes, her girlfriend) helped her through the process.
“It is true, I do have the most amazing, wonderful, perfect, most beautiful girlfriend in the whole world,” JoJo Siwa said to the talk show host.
“But if I lost everything that I’ve created because of being myself and because of loving who I want to love, I don’t want it.” @ItsJoJoSiwa explains the risk of coming out publicly, but then emphasizes how happy she is that she did! ?❤️#FallonTonight pic.twitter.com/LhU0RYzpXH
— The Tonight Show (@FallonTonight) February 4, 2021
“One day I was on FaceTime with my girlfriend … and I was like, ‘I kind of just want to post this picture on my [Instagram] Story,’” JoJo Siwa said (referring to the ‘best gay cousin ever’ shirt). “She was super encouraging, she was like, ‘do it’ and I was like, ‘alright’ and I did it … (and then I went) back to FaceTiming with her.”
JoJo Siwa also spoke about how she’s received an overwhelmingly positive response to coming out and how it was absolutely worth the “really big risk.”
Tonight after an all new #ChicagoWednesday:
? @KellyRipa
? Talk + Dance Battle w/ @ItsJoJoSiwa
?️ @MNightShyamalan#FallonTonight pic.twitter.com/5zIi2aIhQk— The Tonight Show (@FallonTonight) February 4, 2021
“If I lost everything that I’ve created because of being myself and because of loving who I want to love, I don’t want it… If I can’t love who I want to love, it’s one of the most important things to me.”
“I’m just so happy because now I get to share what makes me the happiest with the world and it makes my heart so happy,” Siwa said, after admitting that she was crying tears of joy right before the show.
Check out the whole interview here.
As for who the girlfriend is, your guess is as good as ours! We’ll just have to wait to see…
For more on JoJo Siwa’s coming out experience, check out her TikToks here.