Jericho Pulled A Masterful Move On Tonight’s Ep Of Survivor & Twitter’s Celebrating
Tonight’s ep of Australian Survivor was bloody stressful, as the top four fought it out for who would miss out on making the big finale tomorrow. And HALLELUJAH, series fave Jericho will be in it.
It was a close call. After Peter won the immunity idol (Peter won something?!) it was Michelle, Tara and Jericho left to strategise over who would be voted off. Jericho’s name was immediately put forward by Peter, as he and Michelle worked out that Jericho is potentially the most popular on the jury.
Jericho sensed his name was being mentioned and in a major fail he attempted to recruit Michelle, which blew up in his face. But just when we thought Jericho’s fate was sealed, he managed to get Tara onside.
ACTUALLY TWITTER RN #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/b9THzN5ZeI
— beca???? (@beckaio_) October 9, 2017
Then in a ‘HOLY SHIT AMAZING’ tribal council, Michelle got cocky assuming the nail was already in Jericho’s coffin. But nope, the vote was a deadlock between Michelle and Jericho, and after a revote, the two duelled it out in a tie-breaking fire challenge.
In the end, Jericho was victorious and Michelle was sent packing. Twitter was impressed with how the little guy twisted his fate. He literally brought the fire. (soz not soz)
Here’s how Twitter celebrated Jericho’s victory:
Jericho #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/jODtp9CKN8
— Matt Baseley (@MattBaseley) October 9, 2017
Thank you Survivor Gods ???????????????????? our prayers have been answered!! #SurvivorAU
— Dakota (@dakotadive) October 9, 2017
— kat2609 (@cskat2609) October 9, 2017
— catherine (@ffscatherine_) October 9, 2017
Yes!! Jericho is king #SurvivorAU
— Michael Gleeson (@magleeson) October 9, 2017
I'VE NEVER BEEN SO HAPPY!! ???????????????????????? #SurvivorAU
— Andrea Britt (@MoyashiBritt) October 9, 2017
YES JERICHO!!!! #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/KJYfd0xzcG
— Josh Creech (@Creech2236) October 9, 2017
Jericho YOU ARE A CHEEKY LIL GOD! #survivorau @SurvivorAU
— rarji (@rarjimichael) October 9, 2017
Me watching right now ???????????? #SurvivorAU pic.twitter.com/cNgujt77Xo
— Soph Sal ???? (@SophieSophsal) October 9, 2017
If Jericho goes home can the jury just vote not to award the prize? #SurvivorAU
— Tom Savage (@tomsavage95) October 9, 2017
can i just put it out there if Jericho goes home the final will suck & a lot of australians will have little to no interest #SurvivorAU
— shann ???? (@_ShannonJayde) October 9, 2017
#SurvivorAU All of Australia right now cheering on Jericho in this fire challenge ???????????????? pic.twitter.com/ClmxWH7Lci
— Donna Hosie ???????? (@donnahosie) October 9, 2017