HUH? Piers Morgan & Amber Rose Are Having A Twitter War Over Pubic Hair
In the most bizarre Twitter beef of 2017 so far, Piers Morgan has taken on Amber Rose over her, errr pubic hair.
Rose is preparing for the third annual Amber Rose SlutWalk, which raises money for the star’s charity that seeks to shine a light on slut-shaming, double standards, and sexual assault.
Calling attention to her upcoming walk, Rose posted a pantsless photo… with her pubic hair exposed. *GASPS*
From here, the beef ignited with Morgan posting the below tweet:
Put it away, luv. Thanks. https://t.co/aZcTyLdvrJ
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 11, 2017
Amber was quick to shrug off his comments, labeling Morgan a misogynist.
#IllTakeThingsMisogynisticAssholesSayfor500Alex https://t.co/zNpdXAvB5O
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) June 11, 2017
The talk show host snapped back, as the two went back and fourth. Adam Levine even got stuck in the crossfire.
It's not 'misogyny' to think that posting nude photos in the supposed name of feminist empowerment is pathetic attention-seeking bulls**t. https://t.co/39rIjaaUXu
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 11, 2017
Hey @piersmorgan still attention seeking or Nah? pic.twitter.com/VA1BIVmKSS
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) June 11, 2017
No, that was @adamlevine raising awareness for a UK prostate & testicular cancer charity. https://t.co/sNak1T8aWR
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 11, 2017
Rose was quick to call out the bullshit double standards at play.
Smh I raise awareness for my foundation as well Piers. That's like saying breast cancer awareness is cool but what about HIV and AIDS ???? https://t.co/1AaoabZo3f
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) June 11, 2017
Then the responses from Rose got pretty NSFW.
Pornography? @piersmorgan u seem like the type of guy 2 use porn at ur convenience when ur lonely & horny then down pornstars after ????
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) June 12, 2017
Oh @piersmorgan if I had you in front of me right now I would have you eating out of the palm of my hand you dirty boy ????
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) June 12, 2017
You love strong women @piersmorgan I would make u my little submissive bitch & u would love every second of it I can see right through u ????
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) June 12, 2017
At one point Piers shot himself in the foot, posting a near-nude press image he did for ummm… Burger King.
I am re-posting this in the name of male empowerment. ????????
cc @DaRealAmberRose pic.twitter.com/lYzyUpo0dJ— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 11, 2017
Amber was quick to point out the hypocrisy of Morgan getting his kit off for a multi-billion dollar food franchise while attacking her near-nude pic to promote a charity.
So you got naked for a Burger King check and ur giving me a hard time? Foh ???????????? https://t.co/0RSK2OEN5S
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) June 11, 2017
But somehow these two crazy kids ended on a positive note.
Have me on your show or you can come on mine so we can really hash this out @piersmorgan no love lost. You're entitled to your opinion.
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) June 12, 2017
Done. ????
I'll get my people to talk to your people.
Just don't bottle it like @ladygaga. https://t.co/lPusmfURcs— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 12, 2017
Rose has since re-posted the image in all its glory ANNNNND HERE IT IS:
Imma post this one more time for the haters ???????????????? pic.twitter.com/9U2nE8z4Yh
— Amber Rose (@DaRealAmberRose) June 11, 2017
I think the real winner here is obvious…
Headers via Twitter.