5 Hilarious Ways to Stay Awake While You’re Studying

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It’s the night before your final exam. It’s worth most of your score, and guess what? “Reading over the notes” at the end of each week didn’t happen! Actually writing the notes didn’t happen either!
So, tonight, you’re going to be cramming all the information that the exam won’t even have on it (!!!) into your tired head. How the heck are you staying awake? More importantly, how the heck are you staying awake without completely destroying your teeth and tummy with a bunch of sugar-laden liquids? Glad you asked.
#1 Rope In A Friend
Did you make the effort to communicate with any of your classmates this semester? If so, see if any of them had also been looking at memes during the lectures instead of taking notes, and try to link up with them.
If you avoided everyone in your cohort for reasons that are suddenly very unclear, see if any of your other friends like you enough to provide moral support during this trying time. And, yes, blowing an air horn every time it looks like you’re about to fall asleep counts as “moral support”.
#2 Say No To Garbage Snacks
You know how my body feels when I eat a jumbo pack of chips? Heavy. Don’t eat those greasy junk foods when you need to stay awake – you need your body to be peaking on protein and healthy carbs to keep alert. So get amongst some toast with delicious PB or even whip up some eggs for maximum procrastination points and stay away from that snack draw.
#3 Blast That Music, Baby
One of the easiest ways to keep yourself awake during a cram sesh is simply to not be still for long enough for your body to think it’s nap time, so schedule regular breaks.
During those breaks, you’re gonna need tunes, and you’re gonna need them to be LOUD. If you’ve got a long night of hitting the books ahead, make a playlist that tiptoes on that fine line between not being distracting and also distracting enough to keep you awake. So, mainly songs that you know the choruses – but none of the verses – for.
For maximum impact, dance like no-one is watching – literally – for a song, then get back to it.
#4 Stay Off The Sugar
Yeah, absolutely would love to smash out some Red Bull. I would KILL to down a Mother. But do you know what these things do to you? It’s like licking the underside of a car, honestly.
Sugary energy drinks will make you feel strung out and your heart will be working overtime to combat your frantic hit of adrenaline. It’s not good for you, and your work and study will suffer because you have the sweats and your eyeballs will be vibrating in your head. You’re better off staying hydrated with good ol’ water. It’s science.
#5 Prioritise Discomfort
Instead of being comfortable and warm in whichever room you’re studying, make sure that you crack open a window and let that chilly breeze sweep away any semblance of relaxation. Make your room cold, use a fluorescent light, set obnoxious alarms on your phone. There’s no rest for the wicked (or those who didn’t study properly), after all.
Remember, when this exam is over is when you can undo all these hacks. Turn on the heating, listen to music you like, eat dessert, be completely alone. Perfect.
Find out how much sugar you’re consuming by visiting the Sugary Drinks Calculator.