FYI It’s Really Hot In Australia ATM, So Here’s 13 Impractical Ways To Keep Yourself Chill AF
Australia’s weather can’t decide what to do with itself at the moment with some of the hottest weather being recorded around the country
Adelaide, or should we say Sad-elaide, is gradually becoming the fiery depths of hell, with the third day in a row above 40 degrees celsius.
Yesterday temps soared above 41ºC wth forecasts set to remain above the big 4-0 until Sunday as temperatures only drop to a brisk 27º at night. Meanwhile, those in Port Augusta and Roxby Downs will hit somewhere closer to 45ºc today. That’s really fucking hot.

An aerial view of the Adelaide CBD taken yesterday
Then there’s us folk in Melbourne, experiencing our second 35º+ day before temperatures hit above 40º across the weekend.
In the midst of the most horrid of heatwaves, the weather people are encouraging everyone to remain calm, stay hydrated and remain indoors out of the heat. God save all our souls.
But fear not, here’s 14 other inventive mostly pointless ways you keep yourself chill af this weekend.
14 Ways To Keep Cool During An Aussie heatwave
Create your own Sydney Tornado in your bedroom