12 Pressing Questions We Need ‘Home & Away’ To Answer Immediately
Home and Away is not only one of Australias most-loved soaps, it’s been on for about a gazillion years.
That means many, MANY years of stalkers, fires, explosions, marriages, deaths, paternity tests, and God knows what else.
Over the years we’ve had many pressing questions that urgently need to be answered. Here are some of them:
1. What kind of fkin curse is on this town?

2. Also what’s in the water and/or do people not use contraception in Summer Bay?

3. Did you think we’d never notice these actor swaps for these characters?

4. If Jade and Kirsty weren’t biologically related in the end, why did they have a “telepathic” connection as twins?

5. How many relationships must Leah suffer through before she just gives up entirely?

6. The Kane storyline. Why?

7. How’s Colleen these days?

8. Why does everyone have some sort of buried trauma that they only realise way later on?

9. Why did John’s brain tumour turn him into an arsonist who only wore black coats and was hellbent on setting the town on fire?

10. Then why did everyone… get over it so easily?

11. Why does this town always attract so many deranged stalkers hellbent on revenge?

12. And why does every character who jets off “to the city” never actually return?

Is… is the city like when my mum told me we had to send the dog to the farm?
Anyway, here’s a sick GIF of Alf to look at while we try to seek answers.