Hillary Clinton Owns Donald Trump With Historic ‘Delete Your Account’ Tweet & The People Are Rejoicing
Hillary Clinton shutdown Donald Trump with a ruthlessly simple tweet today and he copped all he deserved.
Despite Twitter’s 140 character limit, it only took 3 simple words for Hillary Clinton to catapult the internet into hysteria today. The presidential candidate responded to an attacking tweet from Donald Trump with a slam-dunking: “Delete your account”.
It was brief, perfect and savage AF:
Delete your account. https://t.co/Oa92sncRQY
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 9, 2016
The post came after Clinton was named as the Democratic presumptive presidential nominee over popular candidate Bernie Sanders, with President Obama throwing his support behind her campaign.
This led to Trump tweeting:
“Obama just endorsed Crooked Hillary. He wants four more years of Obama—but nobody else does!”
And with that, Clinton fired back those three special words.

Some have speculated whether the tweet was in fact posted without Clinton’s permission.
Sorry to burst your bubbles but I promise you Hillary has no idea she just tweeted "Delete your account."
— Chris Kelly (@imchriskelly) June 9, 2016
However, hours later the tweet still stands. We think Clinton knew EXACTLY what she was doing.
The ol’ “delete your account” is a classic Twitter comeback- used in responses varied from racist football tweets, Bill Cosby thanking his defenders, to the controversial addition of peas to a guacamole recipe. The horror.
If we cast our memories back to only February, presidential hopeful Jeb Bush tweeted a cringe-inducing photo of a handgun with the word “America” – this was swiftly followed by famed whistleblower Edward Snowden tweeting “Delete your account” back at him.
Delete your account. https://t.co/UT19AT3Qyg
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) February 16, 2016
Point, made. It’s a powerful message with an earnest no-fucks-given approach.
Here’s some of the best responses to Clinton’s “delete your account” tweet, as the Twittersphere rejoiced, click ‘Next’ to scroll to the following page.