8 Songs That You Didn’t Realise Were Dirty AF When You Were A Kid
There comes a time in one’s life where you’re jamming out to a song you loved as a kid and get hit with the stark realisation that the lyrics were so much more explicit than you ever remembered.
Maybe you were reminiscing on some old Spice Girls tunes and suddenly remembered that you used to enthusiastically belt out “Tonight, is the night, where two become ooooone”, in front of your family, who never thought to tell you what that actually meant. Or maybe that was just me.
We’ve rounded up the top 8 songs that you probably didn’t realise had a slightly hidden meaning when you were younger:
1. ‘Digital Get Down’ – *NSYNC

It’s about cyber-sex people.
2. ‘This Love’ – Maroon 5

Maybe you thought the line “I tried my best to feed her appetite,” in Maroon 5’s ‘This Love’ was really about someone needing a late night Macca’s run. No judgement here.
3. ‘La La’ – Ashlee Simpson

Please. Just listen to the chorus with fresh, wise ears. She did not mean she wished she was a literal cat that wanted milk. It means something else. I need to go to confession.
4. ‘U + Ur Hand’ – Pink

Oh, yes, it’s obvious NOW. But if you’re going to comment like “Uh well actually, I understood this when I was 8,” you need to go find Jesus.
5. ‘Genie In A Bottle’ – Christina Aguilera

It’s not about granting wishes and being set free like Genie in Aladdin. Not even a little bit.
6. ‘Sugar We’re Goin’ Down’ – Fall Out Boy

TFW you’re angsty as fuck singing “I’m just a notch in your bedpost,” as a pre-teen.
7. ‘If You Seek Amy’ – Britney Spears

You’ll get it if you slowly sing the chorus out loud to yourself again.
8. ‘Barbie Girl’ – Aqua
It’s honestly so sexual, you guys. I can’t believe I used to sing this loudly in the car and my parents said nothing. NOTHING!