Here’s The Best Star Wars Tributes So Far From #MayThe4thBeWithYou
It’s Star Wars Day today! As fans of the blockbuster franchise share their tributes to the movies through using the hashtag #MayTheFourthBeWithYou.
Here’s some of the best from the day so far:
Check out: Emoji Wars.
There has been a re-awakening with this #TheForceAwakens Emoji short by @Disney. #MayThe4thBeWithYou ????https://t.co/FNJ1oN5d1y
— Maxis (@Maxis) May 3, 2016
Stormtrooper up!
Happy Star Wars Day NSW. May the Fourth be with you! #MayThe4thBeWithYou pic.twitter.com/R3d2gxBIL6
— NSW Police (@nswpolice) May 3, 2016
Even Northam Police got in the spirit.
Star Wars fans think today is a holiday, it's not for local police who are chasing crooks #Maythe4thbewithyou #fb pic.twitter.com/HKPDd5cbOJ
— Northam Police (@NorthamPol) May 3, 2016
Fake Metro trains took the chance to isolate a well-known villain.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious. #MayThe4thBeWithYou #MetroTrains pic.twitter.com/asCjheGCXh
— Fake Metro Trains (@fakemetrotrains) May 3, 2016
Nice try, Coles.
Noooooo, that’s impossible! #MayThe4thBeWithYou #StarWarsDay pic.twitter.com/Y5YTDDnoZn
— Coles Supermarkets (@Coles) May 3, 2016
It reminds us to keep our eyes peeled.
Darth Vader sighting at Southern Cross #StarWarsDay #MayThe4thBeWithYou pic.twitter.com/1XpmtJA5lc
— Craig Butt (@CraigDButt) May 3, 2016
Will someone please think of the stormtroopers??
This #MayThe4thBeWithYou, please think about those who are struggling after the destruction of their homes. pic.twitter.com/2hQqv4JbQw
— Adam Samuel (@theadamsamuel) May 3, 2016
Get your fight face on.
‘Fear my wrath!’
Today, be one with the Force. #MayThe4thBeWithYou pic.twitter.com/jgXB1lYqyl
— Rufus & Coco Petcare (@RufusandCoco) May 3, 2016
It’s a tough world out there.
When it comes to love, there is no equal https://t.co/Hzd6iFeZur #maythe4thbewithyou #starwars pic.twitter.com/pkYOwWVJBX
— Spicetag (@Spicetag) May 3, 2016
Time to get in the spirit…
I'm gonna Star Wars it up today! #MayThe4thBeWithYou pic.twitter.com/21SN1ZB30G
— Ashley (@ashleypratt) May 3, 2016
#MayThe4thBeWithYou pic.twitter.com/1VrIf5Akx8
— Flame (@stkwilliams) May 3, 2016
Damn straight.
Who run the world? #MayThe4thBeWithYou pic.twitter.com/rthRvCaQ1R
— Eliza Berlage (@verbaliza) May 3, 2016
Yoda speaks the truth.
We've all been there #StarWarsDay #MayThe4thBeWithYou pic.twitter.com/TOb9S9FKxs
— Ingrid Grenar (@ingridgrenar) May 3, 2016
We will keep updating, as more come in.
Header image via Den of Geek.