Healthy Harold Responds To His Near Death Experience In An Exclusive Interview
Yesterday the internet went into overdrive after the government brutally murdered everyone’s favourite fluffy giraffe puppet Healthy Harold.
It was a tense 24-hours, until the gov spectacularly backflipped and promised the creepy van-dwelling puppet will live on. That didn’t stop Twitter reminiscing on some sweet nostalgic memories. Now, SBS show ‘The Feed’ has managed to track down the animal himself for an exclusive interview which reveals the impact yesterday’s story had on him. It turns out he sunk so low that he nearly relapsed for a “line of coke and shot of jack”. Worse yet, he even considered selling out “like the Sunrise Cash-Cow”. Holy heck.
Check out Harold getting the good news, which sent him into a “natural high” – the only high he’d ever endorse.