Some Genius Has Made The Harry Potter Movie Poster Using The PS1 Characters & It’s Hilarious
The Harry Potter PS1 game was as addictive as it was cursed. If you played it growing up, you’ll probably still have fond memories of it but also remember the characters being absolutely terrifying pixelated messes to look at.
There was something chilling about the way Harry would run around, wand out, moving glitchily as though he was running underwater. And if you let out a small scream every time Hagrid’s smashed head would pop up on the screen, you weren’t the only one.

And then there was Dumbledore, with his animated bushy eyebrows taking up his whole face. Did he even have eyes? Hard to say.
Most of the characters looked like something straight out of my monthly nightmares, and it didn’t help with dialogue like this:

Twitter user @KaneUnable recently shared a Harry Potter film poster he created, only using assets and character models found in the PS1 game. “I’m not sure why I did it, but it’s happened,” they tweeted.
And it’s truly a work of art:
today i remade the first harry potter film poster but only using assets and character models found in the poorly aged ps1 video game adaptation.
im not sure why i did it, but it's happened, and we all have to live with the consequences. pic.twitter.com/XLQfoksi3n
— Kane Unable (@KaneUnabIe) September 12, 2020
Honestly, it looks like it should be one of those Netflix thrillers that are so bad, they’re good.

It gets the absolute tick of approval from me.

Me showing my gratitude.
The jokes don’t end there. If you still need cheering up this morning, take a look at the follow-up artwork:
??I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now ?? pic.twitter.com/Q2mwJ2AtW5— Kane Unable (@KaneUnabIe) September 12, 2020
When he hung that picture up and stepped back to admire it, I felt that.
BRB, off to find my old copy of the Harry Potter PS1 game and pray that it still works.