HAIR RAISING: The First Footage From Alex Honnold’s Rope-Free Climb Of El Captain Is Here
The first official footage from Alex Honnold’s rope-free climb in El Captain is here.
Honnold became the first person ever to solo climb the famous rock face at Yosemite National Park in California earlier this week without any harnesses, ropes or safety gear. Yup, literally one bloke against the arm straining powers of gravity. Equally amazing is that he achieved the feat in less than four hours.
The hair-raising moments captured by National Geographic show Honnold climbing up more than 900 meters of the rockface, with the slightest slip sure to send him plummeting to a near-certain death. The video was shot by Jimmy Chin (who also photographed the climb) for an upcoming documentary which will be released by National Geographic.
Hope you’re not afraid of heights for this one:
Header photo via National Geographic