The 15 Weirdest Ways People Have Almost Died On ‘Grey’s Anatomy’
There are not many TV shows that can get a more visceral reaction than Grey’s Anatomy. Between the heartbreak over main characters dying and the hectic disaster episodes, there’s always something going down at Seattle Grace hospital to give any viewer legit heart palpitations.
But what really made me love and hate this show simultaneously was the bonkers medical cases. On almost every episode, there was a horrible accident or implausible illness that had afflicted some poor patient and some cases were truly unforgettable.
I still think about that spider crawling out of a man’s wart hands to this day and I will never forgive Shonda Rhimes for it.
We’ve rounded up the weirdest ways people have almost died on Grey’s Anatomy:
Warning: Don’t read this story on an empty stomach…because yikes.
1. The teen who got stuck in a big vat of cement.
To impress a girl, a teen jumped into a vat of cement (OK?!) and laid in the concrete for over in hour. He arrived at the hospital encased in the concrete and the whole team had to figure out how to break him free.

2. The man who had a tiny tree growing in his lung.
A patient arrived coughing up blood and was found to have a fir tree growing inside his lung, with the surgeons suspecting he must have inhaled a seed.

3. The man who got his penis piercing caught on his ex-wife’s IUD.
A man and his ex-wife were having a secret affair and while they were having sex, her IUD became caught on his new penis piercing. The surgeons used an X-ray to see how they were hooked together but just as they were separated, the man had a heart attack. Some people just have bad luck, hey.
4. The two people who were impaled together on a pole after a train wreck.
This was horrific. In the aftermath of a train accident, a metal pole impaled two passengers together. They arrived at the hospital still joined and in a classic Grey’s twist, one of them had to sacrifice their life to save the other.

5. The women who thought she could hear her organs.
A teen girl was brought into the hospital, as her parents thought she was schizophrenic after she tried to claw her own eyes out. But the surgeons figured out that she had a tiny hole in her inner-ear that allowed her to hear every noise inside her own body. Oh, and the character was played by a young Demi Lovato.

6. The man who swallowed 10 doll heads.
A dude came in to hospital complaining of bowel pain and after Bailey did an X-ray, she found little faces staring back at her. The man had swallowed ten Judy Doll heads and said that he felt “empty inside” without them.

7. The man with a fish in his dick.
This episode emotionally scarred me for so long. It wasn’t just any ol’ random patient either, it was chairman of the board for Seattle Grace Lawrence Jennings, who visited the hospital complaining of swollen testicles after a trip to the Amazon. Surgeons soon found he had a candiru fish in his penis, after it likely swam up a stream of urine and lodged itself in his urethra. No, thank you.

8. The woman who had worms breeding inside her.
Grossed out enough, yet? Hold my beer. This next case saw a woman arrive at the hospital complaining of abdomen pain, after she vomits on a doctor, they found a worm in the spew and realised that she had worms breeding inside her. Absolute nightmare fuel.
9. The woman with toxic blood.
This was actually interesting. The surgeons all passed out while operating on a woman and soon realised her blood was the cause. They figured out she was on a mix of cancer treatment drugs and herbal supplements, which turned her blood into a toxic chemical. In the end, everyone had to take 20-second shifts in order to operate on her without fainting. A mess.

10. The man with an unexploded bomb in his body.
A patient arrived with a bomb inside their body cavity and Meredith had to delicately remove the bomb without setting it off. While Meredith survived, unfortunately the same can’t be said for the bomb squad diffuser, who had the bomb explode in his hands while he carried the device out of the hospital. (RIP Friday Night Lights’ Kyle Chandler.)

11. The man who was mauled by a lion.
A lion broke loose in Seattle (because…of course it did) and it turned out that the lion escaped from someone’s house, where the poor animal was being kept as a pet. Cut to a patient arriving with claw marks all over his body and a chewed up arm, who turned out to be the boyfriend of the lion’s owner. Richard finding the lion’s tooth inside the patient’s body was just the cherry on top of this bonkers episode.

12. The man who was mauled by a bear.
But the truly horrifying animal attack came four seasons earlier, when a man arrived at the hospital after being mauled by a bear. As Cristina went to help him, all of his err…intestines fell out into her hands. “Intestines in the hands! Intestines in the hands! Intestines in the hands!” she shouted. This show, huh.

13. The tree man with spiders inside his warts.
As stated above, this episode of Grey’s Anatomy seriously had me questioning if I could keep watching this show. It was horrifying. Bailey met a man with warts all over his face and hands that looked like tree bark claws. He was diagnosed with tree man disease and as the surgeons removed his warts, a spider crawled out. I will never watch the episode again.
14. The woman who had spontaneous orgasms.
It was exactly like it sounds.

15. The man who sawed off his own foot.
Another absolute horror show. A man arrived at Seattle Grace demanding that the doctors amputate his foot — claiming that it didn’t belong to him. While Bailey ordered a psych evaluation, the patient grabbed a saw and started cutting off his own foot. He eventually got his wish and the foot was amputated.

How can we love a show that hurts us this much?