It Turns Out Grant Was Seeing Someone Before He Entered ‘Love Island’
By now, we assume you all know that Tayla and Grant won Love Island. We watched, we laughed, we cried…and some of us pleaded for justice, demanding that Josh deserved better.
But one thing we finally got to ask, now that Grant is out of the villa, is: does he have a bloody girlfriend, or what? We spoke to the winners following the announcement and Grant confirmed that he was indeed seeing someone prior to entering the villa but assured us that it wasn’t exclusive.
“A few weeks before I left for Spain I was seeing someone. I made it very clear to that person that it wasn’t a committed relationship and I’ve told Tayla all of this,” Grant said.
“It wasn’t a girlfriend, let’s put it that way,” Tayla chimed in. “She wasn’t wearing a commitment ring.”
We also spoke to the winning couple about Eden’s controversial behaviour in the villa following accusations of bullying. Tayla and Grant agreed it was the pressure of the TV show that triggered Eden.
“I think at times there was a high density of emotions that came from Eden but at the end of the day everyone that was in there was a good person,” Tayla said.
Grant continued, “In week one with Eden we were really good mates…But towards the end I think the pressure may have got to him and we had a few words.
“In the end we came to the agreement that we weren’t going to be mates outside the villa and I respect that. I respect him as a guy,” he said.
In the past week, rumours have circulated that Erin and Eden already knew each other before entering Love Island. We quizzed them both over Millie’s accusations and Tayla responded:
“There was speculation in the house and I think a few people may have spoken about it a couple of times.”
“We watched them from day one and think they’re love was genuine, whether they knew each other already, or not,” Tayla said, adding that “there were conversations when microphones weren’t on.”
This doesn’t exactly answer all of our questions but lucky for us, in a weeks time we probably won’t care anyways. When does The Bachelor start, again?