Grant From ‘Love Island’ Is Now Back With His Ex & We Can’t Even Keep Up Anymore?
If you’ve been following the Grant/Tayla saga from Love Island, then boy you’re in for another dramatic treat: Barely two weeks after posting a video begging for Tayla back, Grant has announced he’s back with his ex-girlfriend, Lucy… yep, the same girl he was dating before he went on the show.
Keeping up?

If you’re a bit behind, here are the basics:
Grant and Tayla won Love Island, we found out that Grant was actually seeing someone before he went on the show, Grant and Tayla then made like their prize money and split, Tayla announced their breakup via Instagram, Grant posted a weird video about it asking for her back… sorry I just need to take a breath.

Anyway. Now Grant has confirmed he’s back with his ex, Lucy, the girl he was with before he went on a reality show to find… love.
Speaking to NW, Grant said he and Lucy were close friends before the show but it hadn’t developed much more than that.
“Obviously I was going into the villa with an open heart and looking for love. But then, I’ve come out, me and Tayla are finished and I’m back with Lucy. It does make you think about what you valued… the friendship [I had] before I went in there.”
Grant was asked also about what happened to the promise ring he gave Tayla, and he said, “That’s probably at the bottom of the Sydney Harbour by now.”
Who said tru luv is dead?