Just Hear Me Out: It’s Time We Admit Blaine From ‘Glee’ Was Low-Key Toxic
Glee is one of those shows that will always have a special place in my heart.
However, it would be remiss if I did not acknowledge that the majority of the characters on the show are trash. Rachel was literally the most annoying protagonist in TV history; Finn was the most uninspired male lead ever; Puck was a sexual predator; post-Season 3 Tina was an unbearable pity party; Kitty encouraging Marley to start an eating disorder was absolutely cooked; and Mr. Shue should be arrested for his overly sexualised dance moves and terrible rapping (also he should actually be arrested for planting weed in Finn’s locker).

While there are a lot of obviously horrible characters on Glee, there is one character that has seemed to avoid heavy criticism over the years, despite being at times just as toxic as his fellow McKinleyians. His colourful bow ties, gorgeous smile, and angelic voice have protected him from the fan base turning on him. In a choir room full of problematic students and teachers, I understand why we have tried to protect this certain individual.
But I think it is time that we finally admit that Blaine Anderson was a toxic character.
When I was first viewing Glee as a sexually confused teenager, I didn’t notice how horrible Blaine was. In fact, I thought he was the perfect guy and was jealous that Kurt got to be in a relationship with him.
However, every time I rewatch Glee (which is more times than I care to admit), I begin to realise that Blaine was actually kind of horrible to Kurt and had a lot of toxic qualities that made him both a questionable character and boyfriend.
Blaine goes through Kurt’s phone
Blaine shows early signs of being an untrusting boyfriend by going through Kurt’s phone when a boy named Chandler is texting him. Not only does he read the texts but he also gaslights Kurt by saying, “I’m not going through your phone, it just keeps buzzing because Chandler won’t stop texting you.”
Excuse me Blaine, but how can you be reading out the texts without going through Kurt’s phone?
Yes, the texts from Chandler were flirty, but Blaine literally admits in couple’s counselling that he was doing the same thing with Sebastian. You know, the guy who openly admitted to Kurt that he was trying to steal Blaine from him, and also blinded Blaine with a slushie spiked with rock salt.
Blaine cheats on Kurt then gaslights him into thinking it’s his fault
In the first episode of Season 4, Blaine encourages Kurt to go to New York and reassures him that they will be reunited in a year. Literally three episodes later, Blaine meets up with Kurt in New York and tells him that he cheated on him, and not only that, he gaslights Kurt AGAIN by trying to blame Kurt, saying he was “by himself” and that he “needed” Kurt but he wasn’t there.
Blaine, you literally sang ‘It’s Time’ to Kurt and did a little choreography routine with cups reassuring him that you would be fine if he left. Don’t be standing here making out as though Kurt abandoned you.
Blaine is oblivious to his privilege
As a gay man, Blaine would definitely experience some discrimination in his life, but he’s also a very attractive white man who, at one point, went to an expensive prep school — he is afforded a lot of privilege. There are multiple times throughout the series where Blaine is oblivious to this privilege which is an off-putting trait.
One example is when he agrees with Mr. Shue suspending Marley from the Glee Club for not wanting to wear a revealing outfit. Like, sorry Blaine that you didn’t want to wear a ridiculous outfit, but that is not the same as a teenage girl feeling uncomfortable about wearing a bikini. You may not be aware of this Blaine, but girls in bikinis are often sexualised, which is why Marley may not want to wear one for a musical number.
Another time is when he accepts Valedictorian, despite being ranked third behind Tina and Artie. Clearly being Valedictorian meant a lot to Tina and Artie, and let’s be honest… they didn’t have a lot going for them throughout their time on Glee. While Blaine tries to console his friends and apologise for how things turned out, he then says “I know this sounds like a humble brag, but honestly it feels like things just get handed to me.” Like yes sir they are, and the fact that you are so unaware of your privilege is so annoying.
Blaine tries to get Kurt to put on weight
As well as being a jealous boyfriend/fiancé, Blaine is also not a very supportive one. When Blaine moves over to New York to be with Kurt, he sees that he has changed. Kurt is slaying it at NYADA, he has new friends, and he’s getting newfound attention after becoming ripped from the gym — which is something Blaine is most fixated on.
Blaine is (once again) feeling sorry for himself, as he no longer feels like the more desired one in the relationship. “There’s a shift in the power dynamic, Kurt’s the hotshot now,” he says.
Instead of being happy and supportive of Kurt, Blaine tries to manipulate Kurt into eating more food, so he can gain weight. The fact that Blaine thought making Kurt fatter would make him the less hot one in the relationship is messed up on so many levels.
Blaine accuses Elliot Starchild of stealing Kurt from him
When Kurt and Blaine are engaged, Blaine (once again) assumes that there is something going on between Kurt and another gay man… because the idea of two gay guys being friends is something our little Warbler struggles to compute.
This time Blaine thinks that Elliot Starchild, a member of Kurt’s band, is trying to steal Kurt from him. Without any evidence, he storms over to Elliot’s house and makes these accusations.
He also gets mad at Elliot for not sending him a friend request, so not only is Blaine jealous but he has this inflated ego where he thinks people should reach out to him to be friends and not the other way round.
Blaine dates Dave Kyrosfky (aka the guy that literally threatened to kill Kurt at one point)
Look, I know Dave Kyrosfky has a lot of character development over the duration of Glee and I know he and Kurt put their past behind them. But, I still think Blaine dating a guy who literally threatened to kill Kurt at one point is extremely problematic. Also doing it after Kurt calls off their engagement somehow feels extra spiteful. Honestly, I don’t know how Kurt ended up marrying this insecure and manipulative man.
Yes, Blaine is still one of the most talented and attractive members from Glee (imho) and his covers of ‘Teenage Dream’ and ‘Cough Syrup’ will always make me sob uncontrollably. But as difficult as it is for us Gleeks to admit, Blaine is indeed a toxic character, who is given way more praise than he probably deserves.