5 Fascinating Reddit Theories About What Could Happen Next On ‘Game Of Thrones’
As we all continue to obsess over the final season of Game of Thrones together, countless theories are popping up after each episode, theories that are painstakingly analysing every tiny detail.
And nowhere obsesses harder than Reddit, where over 2 million users discuss the series in thousands of feeds. I plowed into the murky depths of the Game of Thrones subreddit to find some of the most fascinating theories to come out of last week’s episode in preparation for episode 3.
Here are 5 theories from last week’s Game of Thrones episode:
#1. The Dead Starks Are Coming Back
This is the one theory all of Reddit is talking about. With all the women and children of Winterfell hiding in the crypts, many have predicted that the White Walkers will raise the dead Starks, including Ned, whose body is buried there. IgnorantSportsFan pointed to the line said by Dany in the new promo, saying “The dead are already here,” as an omen of what’s to come.
“That line happens between Dany and Jon, and felt super significant – but we already see the army of the dead, felt it was too obvious to be their reaction to them. Then it clicked: The crypt is full of dead people. All episode they keep repeating and emphasizing how safe it was in the crypt, but it’s GOT and we cannot have nice things.”

“So is it possible we have old Starks rising from the crypts? Or is that too far fetched? PLUS we saw in multiple previews Arya fighting in the crypts with her new weapon…”
Would this mean the Starks would return as the undead and fight for the Night King? Get ready for your mind to blown as user Kapps said the Starks could be the exception:
“Someone else mentioned a theory I liked. Bran said that people turn into the dead / animals by having all their memories taken from them. But the North remembers.” So who knows, Ned Stark could come back as his old self.
#2. Arya Will Kill The Ice Dragon
Here is another theory I never thought of. User scottthand wrote that they reckon there’s a reason Arya is getting a spear made rather than a sword. She has her eyes on a much bigger prize.
“I think Arya kills Viserion. I think so because it’s the only reason I can come up with to explain why Arya is switching from a sword to a spear right before the battle of her life. She’s one of the only northerners that didn’t freak out upon seeing the dragons last week, eyeing them almost as though she sees them as a challenge.”

“She’s treated this new weapon with a lot more gravitas than one would expect out of a regular old spear. And perhaps one of the biggest tip offs is that she was showing Gendry her blade throwing skills as she was explaining to him why she wants her weapon made. If she’s getting that spear to chuck it, she’s got a big, blue-fire breathing target in mind I imagine.’
I reckon she’s up to the challenge.
#3. Brienne Will Die In The Next Episode
I pray this does not happen but user rudyfish3 makes a convincing case over the reasons why Brienne’s number is up.
“Her character arc is complete, she’s now gotten what she wanted from the very beginning, to be a knight. They focused on her a strange amount for this episode,” they wrote. “On top of this, she’s one of the very first people out in front to fight the army of the dead. I am 100% expecting her to die within the first quarter of the show next time.”

Say it isn’t so! A popular comment on the thread agreed, writing, “Yes. In Jaime’s arms. And it will be horrible and perfect,” added user hellooonasty. My heart can’t and won’t take it.
#4. People Who Make Sam Cry Will Die
Now this is a theory I can get behind. Reddit user bluesage13 wrote that they think there is a pattern forming whereby the people that make Samwell cry will soon meet their deaths. They wrote:
“People who make Sam cry, die. All the people in Night’s watch who made Sam cry (intentionally) = dead. Sam’s father = dead. The White Walker who attacked Gilly and Little Sam = dead. The White Walker who lead the undead army near Fist of the First Men = dead. (I think, at Hardhome). So by extrapolation, Dany is going to die! Just saying…”
Another user said this could check out as it’s been previously theorised that the GoT books are actually narrated by Sam, therefore, were written with low-key bias.
#5. Tyrion Is About To Make A Big Comeback
A pivotal scene in episode two that goes under-the-radar is when Tyrion asks Bran to tell him his story. The fact we were not shown that conversation (yet!) is pretty MAJOR as user satangoddess wrote:
“I feel Tyrion heard Bran’s story for a reason. It seems he’ll figure something big out later to defeat NK [Night King]. Maybe that’s why he has been making so many mistakes so he can come clean with his big revelation.”

While it’s hard to know what Tyrion learnt from Bran, user leongard noted something else interesting:
“Tyrion also started drinking again this episode, which he has been sober since Dany forced him to when he started advising her. Danny forced him to stop doing one of the things he’s good at: “I drink, and I know things.” And she has a less effective Tyrion making mistakes because of it.”
It looks like whatever the series has in store for us Tyrion will be an integral part.