15 Reasons ‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’ Is Still The Greatest Breakup Movie Of All Time
Inspired by true events, including THAT unforgettable naked scene, Forgetting Sarah Marshall is still the greatest breakup movie of all time. No arguments.
This week marks 10 years on from the film being released and there’s a lot to still love about the movie. It combined some of our fave people in How I Met Your Mother’s Jason Segel (who also wrote it!), Mila Kunis and Kristen Bell, provided a hilarious parody of crime shows, and inspired another classic film Get Him To The Greek.
Here are 15 reasons that Forgetting Sarah Marshall is the best breakup movie ever:
Peak Jason Segel just being his adorable self

It was one of (beautiful angel) Mila Kunis’ most charming roles
Honestly – how is she so perfect?

Oh and Kristen Bell was there too, so yay!
Good for you Kristen Bell

We all got to eye Jason’s peen within the first few minutes

This is still the perfect way to address your ex after a breakup

We were introduced to Aldous Snow

…and Infant Sorrow’s beautiful music

Let’s be for realz, the character is basically just Russell Brand playing himself

The film gifted us w/ wisdom like this:

And this handy line for when you gotta protect yo self from ya evil ex

The puppet opera is still actual art

This is an v accurate impression:

And Kunu’s surfing lesson is just the best

This will never stop being funny

But we can’t forget the film’s greatest line tho