Flat Earthers Had Their First International Conference And They Are Dead Serious
Watching the ‘Flat Earth’ conspiracy theory gain traction has been the most enjoyable ride and it just got that much better. Hundreds of true believers gathered for their first annual international conference and the video footage is damn glorious.
The Flat Earthers may have started as isolated individuals living on the outskirts of internet culture but through Facebook groups and the power of YouTube, they have found each other, and they are stronger than ever.
These clips from their international conference are so damn good it makes me wanna join their cause just to mingle with these folk.
We are introduced to the Flat Earth conference with a few words from the Flat Earthers in attendance, words that sum up what they think of this ’round earth’ concept.
“To me this is satan’s greatest lie.”
“I feel that I’ve been deceived.”

There were hundreds of attendants and they are just downright stoked to have found each other. Brought together by a greater understanding of the world.
“We used to think that when we got started individually in this that we were alone, but we have one thing in common, we live on a flat plane.”

One punter made sure to emphasise that this crowd ain’t crazy, they are normal. Maybe even above average tbh, but defs not crazy ok.
“They look normal, very few people overweight”

Old mate Mark summed up the general vibes of the Flat Earth crowd:
“Nobody likes this uncomfortable feeling of being this tiny ball flying through space.”

He also did say:
“Don’t take my word for it I mean I could be a mental patient recently escaped from an institution”
This guy clearly has some sweet model making skillz and based on that he’s just sayin’:
“I guess I was the chosen one”

When asked the hard questions:

Oh man do they have answers:
“Ah, well, I’ve watched over 50 hours of video.”
And when asked for proof they do not disappoint:
“I went down to the seashore and I did my own testing: You take a straight edge, and you follow it from one end, and you follow the horizon of the ocean, and you go straight edge just to the other end and it’s…it’s flat.”

This might just be my favourite thing ever and I hope to attend the flat earth conference next year. Please enjoy this video of the conference it’s very informative and full of mind-blowing truths.