Tonight’s Bonkers Bachy Finale Retold Through Its Best Tweets
“Hold onto your roses Australia, here comes the most heart-stopping end to a series you’ve ever seen.” They weren’t wrong, hey.
While my heart is still beating, it does go out to poor Britt and Sophie. On tonight’s ep, both of the girls were left heartbroken as Nick Cummins chose neither. Instead, he was left alone as we saw him wander off along the beach and straight into the sea (we assume).
It was a massive mess. All there is left to do is tweet through the pain. Thankfully, the live-tweets were straight fire.
Tonight’s absolute mess of a Bachy finale retold via its funniest tweets:
We meet our Bachy in New Caledonia… for some reason.
It's 8.14 and we still have no credible explanation for them being in New Caledonia #TheBachelorAU
— Ben Pobjie (@benpobjie) October 4, 2018
What TV stylist in their right mind looks at Nick Cummins' hair and thinks "Let's take this shit to the tropics"? #TheBachelorAU
— Jo Thornely (@jothornely) October 4, 2018
#TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/OyH5kcOHyh
— dubes (@crank_pot) October 4, 2018
Wanted: For serious errors of judgement and questionable facial hair #TeamBrooke #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/5KKUASmSKj
— Queensland Police (@QldPolice) October 4, 2018
Nick had to tell his family a harsh truth – that their and everyone’s fave Brooke was no longer around.
Dad is just as upset as the rest of Australia about Brooke going home. #TheBachelorAU
— Keegs (@keegs) October 4, 2018
Nicks family when they find out Brooke isn’t in the top two #thebachelorAU pic.twitter.com/Gyj9nAEZhi
— TheSurvivor/BachelorGuy (@HDBorland) October 4, 2018
Nick asked the waiter for a glass of Brooke and the waiter said they only had Brittany and he sort of agreed and is just going along with it now. #TheBachelorAU
— Michael Beveridge (@mickyb273) October 4, 2018
Nick’s family accepting Britt and Soph over Brooke like they wanted coke but were asked if Pepsi is okay #thebachelorau pic.twitter.com/kTHGy9mz9g
— Kelly-Dawn Kelso (@sideshowkelso) October 4, 2018
Britt and Soph met the fam. Nick continued to show zero emotions towards either of them.
Hey Brittney, do you know who has already met Nick’s brother and other family members? #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/BS35UlcPP5
— Milhouse Thrilhouse (@Minquist01) October 4, 2018
Nick: "I didn’t think, at this point, it would be this difficult."
Britt: #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/R8qZDKrmlO— Kylie Rallings (@k_rallings) October 4, 2018
Australia to Sophie and Brittany:#TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/Xx3zLX9WV0
— Eliza Berlage (@verbaliza) October 4, 2018
This entire finale is two beautiful women telling old mate badger how great they think he is while he sits there in silence before replying with only his tongue and no words. #TheBachelorAU
— Victoria Quested (@VictoriaQuested) October 4, 2018
On his final date with Britt, Nick more-or-less said he was not that keen on her.
Brit making it to the final two is the biggest thing to happen for Port Macquarie since the Kmart opened #TheBachelorAU
— Alex McKinnon (@mckinnon_a) October 4, 2018
Me to my editor next time I miss deadline: “I just don’t think our timelines match.” #TheBachelorAU
— Michael Koziol (@michaelkoziol) October 4, 2018
The fact Nick is already holding his itinerary for his flight outta there is probably a bad sign #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/TZE7SsBNqa
— Dr Chris Brown (@drchrisbrown) October 4, 2018
Sophie was the first out of the limo aka the predicted loser.
Sophie puts one foot out of the car. She stops, hearing sad cello.
"DRIVE!" she shouts, slamming the car door. "DRIIIIIIIVE!"#TheBachelorAU— Jo Thornely (@jothornely) October 4, 2018
“Can’t fully commit to you….. right now” ok that is a terrible thing to say to Sophie cause in 6 months he’ll be hitting you with “you up?” texts STAY AWAYYYYYYYY #thebachelorAU
— Kate O'Hagan (@kate_ohagan3) October 4, 2018
Nice of them to bring the car up close to the pool this year. Because somewhere, Jarrod is still walking. #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/OhLfLvUJyg
— Aidan Hathaway (@AidanHathaway) October 4, 2018
Then he went ahead and did the dumb thing, sending Britt home too. A colossal waste of all of our time.
— Michael Beveridge (@mickyb273) October 4, 2018
Nick is every straight guy on a dating app who isn’t ready to be dating but does it anyway at women’s expense #TheBachelorAU
— ellen (@ellenn_) October 4, 2018
The producers should’ve known footy players break contracts all the time. #TheBachelorAU
— John Dean (@JohnDean_) October 4, 2018
If this doesn't prove that playing rugby causes concussion, nothing will. #TheBachelorAU
— Scott Dooley (@scottdools) October 4, 2018
I came on this show as The Bachelor. But after eight weeks, dozens of women, heaps of dates, loads of kissing, I am pleased to report I am now….. still The Bachelor #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/ZvGxyLNQJy
— Josh Butler (@JoshButler) October 4, 2018
That ending with Sophie and Britt was incredibly wholesome tho.
And, as is #TheBachelorAU tradition, the girls realise that the real treasure was the friendships they made along the way.
— Michael Beveridge (@mickyb273) October 4, 2018
But we can’t help but think a certain someone is ready to slide into his DMs.
Cass right now #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/2fWq9lnAGJ
— keely (@gaelic_princess) October 4, 2018