Tonight’s Trashfire Of A Bachy Ep Retold Through Its Most Hilarious Tweets
Welcome back, fam. The Bachy mansion is packed full of women who may or may not be sent to plunge to their deaths in exchange for a cheap meal.
Tbh the entire ep was overshadowed by Romy tonguing her way into the Badger’s honeypot (that’s locker room talk for earhole) and we were thoroughly disturbed.
Earlier in the ep, we watched on as Kat, Alisha and Romy slotted a lil too easily into the mean girls’ role, and we accepted Vanessa Sunshine as our Lord and saviour.
Here’s ep 2 of The Bachelor retold via its funniest tweets:
Shannon’s date was a total disaster, as she was terrified of heights and salmon.
Telling the producers you're scared of heights is actually a great way to get a date #TheBachelorAU
— Batch Bitch Podcast (@batchbitchpod) August 16, 2018
If giggling at things that aren't jokes were orgasms, this would be the greatest date ever. #TheBachelorAU
— Jo Thornely (@jothornely) August 16, 2018
This coffee story is fucking riveting. #TheBachelorAu
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) August 16, 2018
First date:
Scare them shitless ✔
Cook something they hate ✔
Talk absolute nonsense ✔This is exactly how mine go!! So relatable #TheBachelorAU
— ? Jackson Ryan (@dctrjack) August 16, 2018
i love the cast of #TheBachelorAU this season xoxo pic.twitter.com/95WbGEm9NN
— Bradley Johnston (@bradjohnston_) August 16, 2018
The group date saw Cass remind us all that she knows Nick and really likes him. (Have you heard?)
Have a shot for every time Cass tells the camera that she’s known Nick for a while #TheBachelorAu
— Twiggy Stix (@Georgeenyismad) August 16, 2018
I’m pretty sure he knows you’re interested in him Cass. If he doesn’t, he’s he only person on the planet. My dog knows. And he’s asleep. #TheBachelorAU
— Ben Shute (@Ben_Shute) August 16, 2018
WHAT? Did you know that Cass knew Nick before the show started? I wish she’d mentioned it. Bloody cheeky minx. #TheBachelorAU
— Em Rusciano (@EmRusciano) August 16, 2018
Meanwhile, back at the mansion #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/d7KbgRiRXG
— Tahlia Pritchard (@Tahls) August 16, 2018
Vanessa Sunshine stole the show in a fireman shoot with Brooke and Bachy. We are converted and now bow at her feet.
VANESSA SUNSHINE WITH AN AXE is literally all I care about. I did a Cass and I wrote it in my diary and it came true #thebachelorau
— mat whitehead (@matwhi) August 16, 2018
Vanessa Sunshine is my 2018 mood. #TheBachelorAU
— Jules LeFevre (@jules_lefevre) August 16, 2018
VS’s resting B face is next level #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/IV2ErDncSh
— A. Claire (@Ewoksarecool22) August 16, 2018
pick your villain… i mean fighter #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/4exTMbLQLd
— Bradley Johnston (@bradjohnston_) August 16, 2018
If they don’t make Vanessa Sunshine the next Bachelorette, we riot. #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/mOIBe2stfL
— Em Rusciano (@EmRusciano) August 16, 2018
The mean girls were out in force during Nick’s errr… porno high school-themed photo shoot.
Cute pic of Nick with Cat, Alisha and Romy #thebachelorau pic.twitter.com/MiF81CrUIC
— Jessica Lynch (@jesskalynch) August 16, 2018
Sure..it is Nick’s passion for education that has resulted in a sexy school girl photo shoot ???#TheBachelorAU
— Tree Fiddy Kay (@fiddy_kay) August 16, 2018
Passion for education?! #thebachelorAU pic.twitter.com/GPZ1mkR1lf
— Bethany Horan (@BethanyHoran10) August 16, 2018
Oh dearrrrr this school photo shoot is reminding me of the worst thing to ever happen in this franchise… #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/neNVVsX5Kw
— Jodi McAlister (@JodiMcA) August 16, 2018
#TheBachelorAU “shes not nicks type” says a blonde white woman with blue eyes about a blonde white woman with blue eyes.
— daniella (@xdantunes) August 16, 2018
Badgelor’s date with Romy was very intense and now we all need to baptised.
Romy: “It wasn’t tacky or forced.”
I’ll just leave this here.. #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/96SkDAklQN
— Mackenzie Ravn (@mackenzieravn) August 16, 2018
Kissing the bachelor like… hahahaha awkward #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/zcm7O3usue
— Natalia (@NataliaMejia20) August 16, 2018
Well you didn't really kiss him, you slobbered on his neck #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/y0yhNUR0nF
— Susan (@NovaStar77) August 16, 2018
Romy is convinced it was a really good kiss.
Romy: It was a real kiss.
Narrator: it wasn’t. #ThebachelorAU
— Jules LeFevre (@jules_lefevre) August 16, 2018
Pretty sure Romy will buy herself her an engagement ring and say she was proposed to #TheBachelorAU
— Lady Heidi Maree (@heidiheartshugs) August 16, 2018
#TheBachelorAU Romy: It wasn't tacky
Twitter Right now: pic.twitter.com/Lgqoakm7R3
— Moosy (@CdvNat) August 16, 2018
Two ladies left roseless. Their names? No one knows.
Can the girls where a ‘hi my name is…’ name tag for the first 5 weeks? #TheBachelorAu
— Tree Fiddy Kay (@fiddy_kay) August 16, 2018