Tonight’s Bloody Ripper Bachy Ep Retold Via Its Most Hilarious Tweets
Tonight’s ep was EVENTFUL, hey. We lost four Bachys for the price of one, and somehow everyone’s fave loose auntie intruder Brittney was left roseless.
Unforgivable injustices aside, Brooke had a cute date but this was all overshadowed by the ‘Mean Girls’ being well… very mean girls.
Our Bachy finally lost his shit and sent ‘ringleader’ Cat packing. Romy and Alisha soon followed. It was an awful lot to digest.
Let’s get to the funny tweets, shall we?
Tonight’s batshit insane Bachy retold via its funniest tweets:
The group date was just an excuse for Cat to bitch about Tenille.
A theory: they blew the entire budget buying those suspense alpacas and that’s why we’re watching 20 minutes of primary school sports events “dates” every episode #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/I8YfU7r4p8
— Tina Burke (@teeburke_) September 6, 2018
BREAKING: girl who still uses the phrase 'nek minute' calls another girl basic #TheBachelorAU
— Jo Thornely (@jothornely) September 6, 2018
Cat: I think Tenille is pretty basic.
Mate, you live Bali.
#TheBachelorAU— Milhouse Thrilhouse (@Minquist01) September 6, 2018
I’ve been wondering what the kid from Jerry Maguire was up to #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/oCBod62F2t
— Tom Ford (@TomFord83) September 6, 2018
Emily won time with Bachy, and she ended up just spouting a bunch of rubbish romance clichés.
"Time is of the essence" "I want to make a connection" "see into your soul" "I'm here for a reason" – has Emily been reading from The Encyclopaedia of Every Bachelor Cliché? #TheBachelorAU
— Tahlia Pritchard (@Tahls) September 6, 2018
The whole cheese platter there and she goes for the grapes… #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/9ohY94EStN
— Louisa (@Louisacanturi) September 6, 2018
Brooke got another date and the ‘Mean Girls’ plotted her demise.
Just three girls chilling, talking about the patriarchy, modern day feminism and the gender pay gap #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/9yODB5xvuL
— Tahlia Pritchard (@Tahls) September 6, 2018
Cat: I’m a bit shocked I don’t get a single.
Australia: #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/MdJTmgGphI— CourtneyCourts (@renrut22) September 6, 2018
“I’ve been trying to build a connection with Nick.”
Cat, you’ve got more chance of getting a strong connection on the NBN. #thebachelorau
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) September 6, 2018
Cat: I can’t believe nick hasn’t taken me on a single date. I’m so mad.
Some random girl I don’t know: are you going to talk to him about it?
Cat: no I don’t give a shit. #TheBachelorAU #bcm114 pic.twitter.com/kvo4t5FNkN
— Tarushi Fernando (@TarushiFernando) September 6, 2018
The date involved some shitty portrait drawing.
Omg just WAIT until Cat finds out that Nick took Brooke on a date at a Balinese mansion ??? #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/79l6UXsbE2
— Beca? (@beckaio_) September 6, 2018
Guy the artist really nailed Nick #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/bSwpmrwsIf
— mat whitehead (@matwhi) September 6, 2018
When the artist is finished drawing Nick #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/TNCDeEu8rV
— Sarah (@_SarahKAnderson) September 6, 2018
Guy: Brooke, can you describe Nick for me?
Brooke: Just draw the Paddlepop Lion and you'll nail it. #TheBachelorAU— Nez (@fraggle73) September 6, 2018
What beautiful children Nick and Brooke will have #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/JaqNeOT3CF
— Tom Ford (@TomFord83) September 6, 2018
At the toga party, Nick kicked Cat out of the competition. We all rejoiced.
Nick: Cat, I think it's time to leave.
Australia:#TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/DeXEaWtnhV— Zoe (@Lunaamikaelson) September 6, 2018
Cat: I have a heart of gold
Nick: pic.twitter.com/HM7rMTN9tu
— peter k's woah woah woah (@JennaGuillaume) September 6, 2018
“There’s been a misalignment…”
She’s not a printer Osh. #thebachelorau
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) September 6, 2018
On the scale how embarrassing is it to be kicked off a reality dating show while wearing a toga for bullying. I don’t even know anymore. #TheBachelorAU
— Kerena (@kerenacopelin) September 6, 2018
Romy got a rose but decided to leave anyways. Tbh, it was all a total shitshow.
Osh has really seen some shit #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/G4CLohtoqf
— Tahlia Pritchard (@Tahls) September 6, 2018
We just… we just know exactly where Romy is going now. #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/b6mjXMf9lk
— Clare + Jessie Stephens (@Thinkspo1) September 6, 2018