Tonight’s Bachy Retold Through Its Funniest Live-Tweets
Well that episode ended in a way none of us expected. But tbh, I never shave my legs unless I’m promised dinner, or at the very least a cheeseburger.
Most of the ep was a bit uneventful. Cat from Bali tried to get a pash from our Bachy and was served a custard pie to the face which was low-key satisfying AF to watch.
Nick tried to speak Russian, Dasha tried to speak ‘Honey Badger’ and Vanessa Sunshine tried to avoid speaking to anyone.
Let’s be real, the tweets were much more exciting than the ep itself.
Here’s ep 4 retold via its funniest tweets:
Nick’s fishing date with Dasha was cute and pure.
Here is #TheBachelorAU of Russia fishing. pic.twitter.com/Q6w1lrWtJd
— Kate Forster (@kateforster) August 23, 2018
Dasha fondling Nick’s hair and all I can think is… #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/vIkgGMAyHw
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) August 23, 2018
Did he just learn “will you accept this rose” in Russian? MY HEART! #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/jPEP9fLNKU
— Holly Licuanan (@hollyslicuanan) August 23, 2018
The group date saw the women shooting each other with arrows and it got savage.
You know, if someone peed on him to mark his territory, it would be less embarrassing than this whole mess… #TheBachelorAU
— Kate (@KikkiTee) August 23, 2018
Fair dinkum… I’ve learned more about metaphors, analogies and linguistic flexibility from the Nick ‘the Honey Badger’ than from university. #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/d5aJEyEEg5
— todd sampson (@toddsampsonOz) August 23, 2018
Cass channeling those Katniss vibes when time with Nick is on the line #thebachelorau pic.twitter.com/AI1JGw8jpf
— AtomicNicky (@AtomicNicky) August 23, 2018
Ah yes that famous phrase, “Game’s a bitch”. #TheBachelorAU
— Jules LeFevre (@jules_lefevre) August 23, 2018
One day I hope to be as excited about anything as Vanessa Sunshine isn't. #TheBachelorAU
— Jo Thornely (@jothornely) August 23, 2018
Cat from Bali won and scored some extra time with Bachy, which ended with Nick giving her a pity kiss on the cheek.
uh oh! someone fed cat after midnight and she’s beginning to show her true form #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/gEAsd89uKC
— bradley johnston (@bradjohnston_) August 23, 2018
me watching nick reject cat #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/hhrJDyrJvJ
— brooke (@brookerobboo) August 23, 2018
Cat – we had sexual chemistry
Narrator – they did not #TheBachelorAU
— Dame Kittness (@SoftKittyWarm) August 23, 2018
I bet Cat didn’t even cry when Mufasa died. She’s that bitch. #TheBachelorAU
— Ira Snave (@IraSnave) August 23, 2018
Cass continued to stress her little heart out at the cocktail party.
Cass whenever Nick talks to someone else#TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/SfB9VnKNvK
— Damian (@Damo1328) August 23, 2018
Cass. Year 7 school disco flashbacks. Make it stop. #TheBachelorAU
— SneddyGirl (@SneddyGirl) August 23, 2018
Cass is pure. When I was 23, the only thing I loved as much as she loves Nick was sleeping in until midday (and maybe WWEs CM Punk, probs). You do you Cass, ya angel. #TheBachelorAU
— ? Jackson Ryan (@dctrjack) August 23, 2018
I wouldn't call Cass desperate. Id call her attached. Romy is desperate telling everyone they kissed. Mate you made out with his earlobe #TheBachelorAU #BachelorAu
— Rebecca Pollard (@bex_s2) August 23, 2018
In one of my fave exits ever, upon not receiving a rose Steph told Nick “I can’t believe I shaved my legs for this,” and we all applauded her.
“I shaved my legs for this”… this show has never been more relatable #TheBachelorAU
— Anita Anabel (@AnitaAnabel_) August 23, 2018
The girl pointing out how she went to the trouble of shaving her legs is speaking on behalf of all currently single women. We hear you. #TheBachelorAU
— Milhouse Thrilhouse (@Minquist01) August 23, 2018
Dad doesn't understand the shaved legs thing.
Dad: okay?
Mum: don't worry I get it jac.#TheBachelorAU— jackie ?? (@JackieWarner13) August 23, 2018
And a legend is born #TheBachelorAU pic.twitter.com/i1zMoPgBr9
— Kris (@aminutewithkris) August 23, 2018