Tonight’s Dramatic MAFS Commitment Ceremony Retold Through Its Funniest Tweets
While the promos promised an ep full of surprises, tonight’s third commitment ceremony on Married at First Sight’s was actually all a bit of a fizzer compared to previous ceremonies.
But there were some obvious highlights. Troy telling Ashley he loved her to a response of radio silence was memorable, to say the least. The poor bloke is must be living on another planet (but actually). Telv saying he felt good enough for Sarah was super touching, as we all plunged ever deeper into our investment in their relationship to last until the end of time.
Gabrielle had ENOUGH of Nasser’s friendzone rubbish and he didn’t take it overly well. He threw a big ol’ tantrum and luckily got called out for his uncool treatment of Tracey at the previous dinner.
Dean and Tracey decided to continue in the experiment (boo!), while Davina finally set Ryan free (yay!). The same can’t be said for Blair and Sean – but at this stage, we really don’t know or care who these people are.
Twitter was in fine form making us lol all the way through the ep.
Here’s tonight’s dramatic commitment ceremony ep retold through its funniest tweets:
Gabby gave Nasser a warning that she wanted out of the friendzone and he didn’t take it well. Tbh he acted like a bit of a knob.
Nasser #MAFS pic.twitter.com/qCleicqt1H
— Ross (@ross1coe) February 25, 2018
Please Mum and Dad don’t get a divorce #gabandnasser #MAFS
— minnie (@twentysevenlive) February 25, 2018
Nasser is turning into a dick before our very eyes. #MAFS
— Jules LeFevre (@jules_lefevre) February 25, 2018
#MAFS pic.twitter.com/195l2cba7S
— Marred at First Sight (@MarredAU) February 25, 2018
Nasser agreed to fight for his relationship the same way I (reluctantly) agree to take out the trash. #MAFS
— Adelaide (@radelaidie) February 25, 2018
Ashley and Troy were on completely different pages, as Troy admitted he was in love with wife Ashley. Fucking awkward.
When Troy says he loves you #MAFS pic.twitter.com/HMLLEiFLGP
— minnie (@twentysevenlive) February 25, 2018
How can Troy be so oblivious to the fact Ashley HATES him! #MAFS
— Wotyagunnado (@DustynGooch) February 25, 2018
Troy currently #MAFS pic.twitter.com/ST3M46yUqe
— Stacie Hickey (@hickey_stacie) February 25, 2018
I dunno. Troy is pretty convincing as a show pony. #MAFS pic.twitter.com/pA1q3k2JNC
— Taraustralis (@Taraustralis) February 25, 2018
Troy’s in love with Ashley and Ashley is just about ready to kill herself. Well done relationship experts! #MAFS
— Sarah Anderson (@_SarahKAnderson) February 25, 2018
Read the room, Troy. Or at least the couch. #mafsau #mafs #evenifitsstayitsleave pic.twitter.com/ZJfRxmjZbT
— Abstalavista (@abstalavista) February 25, 2018
Tracey decided to stay with Dean and we all banged our head against the nearest sturdy wall.
Was dean in spy kids? #mafs pic.twitter.com/UtIpetqz9P
— Nicole Jaggard (@nickyjags) February 25, 2018
#MAFS You have seen the 'real Dean' Tracey – and he's a fucking asshole.
— Gidgit VonLaRue (@GidgitVonLaRue) February 25, 2018
Me watching #MAFS and listening to Dean’s rubbish. pic.twitter.com/swQQ0ETBBV
— Justin Kelly (@rozza1001) February 25, 2018
How will Dean cope in Perth ?? Relastionships are totally different over there then in Sydney ….#MAFS
— Cameron Lucas (@Grey_WolfPT) February 25, 2018
#MAFS Tracey: "I can't wait to introduce Dean to my friends and family."
Translation: pic.twitter.com/Q0p7sj5JML— Tess Murphy (@TessM22) February 25, 2018
Davina tortured us all, before thankfully choosing to leave the experiment.
Davina is leaving! All of Australia #mafs pic.twitter.com/dkqmwjhwxC
— Annie Clark (@anniefitness) February 25, 2018
I’ll say this for Davina, she has a wonderful life of shitty red carpet club openings ahead of her. #MAFS
— Jules LeFevre (@jules_lefevre) February 25, 2018
#mafs @MarriedAU pic.twitter.com/A1exWygXoy
— Sof (@SofiaRB_88) February 25, 2018
The only way Davina could make this worse is that if she announced she was having twins and one was Ryan's and one was Dean's.— Kath and Kim Now (@KathAndKimToday) February 25, 2018
And now that Davina's free of Ryan, she can finally live out her dream of making nightclub appearances as a D-grade celebrity… #mafs pic.twitter.com/MALkRnbbtJ
— Bianca Bae (✿◠‿◠) ???? (@BiancaNeveXO) February 25, 2018
Ryan is FREE. Our boi is freeeeeeeeee.
#freeRyan has been successful #MAFS pic.twitter.com/UnTqJEBPR8
— ???????????????? ????????♀️ (@emmaawaatts) February 25, 2018
Davina was last spotted hanging outside several Churches after wedding ceremonies. #MAFS
— Apolo (@PK_APOSTOLI) February 25, 2018
Australia tonight….. #mafs pic.twitter.com/jVwoEjSA7F
— Erna Glassford (@SimplyCheecky) February 25, 2018