Last Night’s MAFS Dinner From Hell Retold Through Its Funniest Tweets
Last night’s dinner party episode of Married at First Sight was a hot mess.
It started out okay with Sarah and Telv learning how to pole dance together (married people stuff, ya know!) and my, oh my, Telv getting his Magic Mike awwn did things to me. Then Ashley tried and failed to make Troy get a haircut, he was soo dramatic and made a big ol’ scene. It. Was. Great.
Most importantly, it was DINNER PARTY TYYYME. As all the couples converged on the dinner, Davina had nooooo shame buddying up and manipulating Tracey and it was fucked up viewing.
Predictably, the dinner drama came from Davina and Dean, who flirted shamelessly in front of everyone and slipped away for a secret rendezvous. Meanwhile, Dean assured Tracey they were in this together and that he was being nothing but honest to her. I’m putting this delicately. He is a trash pig man.
It was hard to watch, as Ryan and Tracey were none the wiser but thankfully Twitter was there to make us lol through the pain.
Here’s ep 12’s MAFS dinner party retold through its funniest tweets:
Ashley tryed to make Troy get a haircut but was unsuccessful.
#MAFS Ashley, you go girl! pic.twitter.com/l0wrRB54cP
— SurfDog Bachelor (@SurfdogTV) February 14, 2018
Get trashed by drinking every time troy says sweetie #gag #MAFS
— Matty Richardson (@MattyRicho7) February 14, 2018
Its ok Troy. We once had a PM OBSESSED with his hair #MAFS pic.twitter.com/ot6tJAHUXM
— Mr Ives (@real_MrIves) February 14, 2018
Troy and Ash are the couple we need, but don't deserve. #mafs #mafsau pic.twitter.com/kHxdhfOkFE
— Little soul????????☘???? (@Fliss_89) February 14, 2018
Dinner tyyyme! Carly finally had enough of Justin and no one can blame her.
Carly right now… #MAFS @MarriedAU pic.twitter.com/zd07fWLmmf
— Simon Read (@Simon_Read_) February 14, 2018
Justin, go look in the mirror, then look at Carly, then look in the mirror, then look at Carly, then look in the mirror, then look at Carly….then give yourself an uppercut. She's gorgeous! #mafsau #MAFS
— bdavin68 (@bdv1968) February 14, 2018
Carly walks out. Justin notices a week later. #MAFS
— divineblueprint (@divineblueprint) February 14, 2018
Maybe Justin would be more into Carly if she was an ice cream machine #MAFS
— Steven Van Riet (@Steamtrain44) February 14, 2018
Troy and Ashley fought like an old married couple.
Ashley and Troy are already at that 5 year dead inside I hate everything you say and do and the way you breath phase #MAFS
— Rose Markcrow (@rose_markcrow) February 14, 2018
A clip of the first take of Troy’s dinner party speech #MAFS pic.twitter.com/ftawCvDpvd
— Carlotta McIntryhard (@themacsta) February 14, 2018
Everytime Troy laughs it reminds me of this #MAFS pic.twitter.com/cqAKDLyyHa
— Damian Tardio (@damiantardio) February 14, 2018
Did Troy just say he doesn't like attention?? #MAFS pic.twitter.com/I6Nz1hZ3Se
— Aquarius Lee (@AquariusLee72) February 14, 2018
Davina befriended Tracey like a total snake.
Very important #mafs pic.twitter.com/EFp6v4CAvZ
— Michael Beveridge (@mickyb273) February 14, 2018
Davina, you are a snake in the grass #MAFS ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
— Cathy Crawley (@cathy_crawley) February 14, 2018
Davina talking to Tracey like …#MAFS pic.twitter.com/6jCoDjWViL
— Amy Price (@amyprice21) February 14, 2018
make sure you keep an eye out for these deadly snakes #MAFS pic.twitter.com/AxfsTaIrLt
— Anthony Gilberg (@AnthonyGilberg) February 14, 2018
Imagine Davina in high school!!!!!! #MAFS pic.twitter.com/39uPA9VUIV
— Katie Clements (@katieqc75) February 14, 2018
Meanwhile Davina and Dean continued to cheat and be GARBAGE PEOPLE.
Dear Dean and Davina,
Australia #MAFSAU #mafs pic.twitter.com/f79VN3GSKn— Lady Lovely Lumps (@Chemu18Cheryl) February 14, 2018
Yes, Tracey, he’s got your back.
He’s about to stick a knife in it!
— UTOFIA (@utofia1) February 14, 2018
Barnaby Joyce is watching #MAFS and thinks at least he isn’t Dean.
— Watchmefly99 (@Watchmefly999) February 13, 2018
Dean in a nutshell #MAFS pic.twitter.com/N24YWDKVvY
— Sally (@SallyB___) February 12, 2018
Dean and Davina are a match made in hell #MAFS pic.twitter.com/89gVquU6HF
— Kiera (@UnderYourPorch) February 13, 2018
#MAFS synopsis:
Dean is scum.
Davina is scum.K, bye.
— Kirsty Webeck ????️???? (@KirstyWebeck) February 14, 2018
Dean: We’re such bad people#MAFS pic.twitter.com/1Bt9ZFnX5o
— Squeegie Beckenheim (@ArtsyStyle23) February 14, 2018
Ryan's version of his relationship with Davina. #MAFS pic.twitter.com/UGxDkxgKS7
— Marred at First Sight (@MarredAU) February 11, 2018
Davina saying her and Dean are more in love then any other couple…. #mafs @MarriedAU pic.twitter.com/VMLQgwA2nx
— Megan (@Maepriscilla01) February 14, 2018