Tonight’s Semi-Final Bachy Ep Retold Via Its Funniest Tweets
One more episode to go! The taste of freedom is getting ever so near and I for one really need a break from reality dating shows…well, until Bachelor In Paradise rolls around. God save all our souls.
Tonight’s semi-final ep saw Ali take the three lads, Todd, Taite, and Bill, on their final dates. While Todd’s date was as perfect and wholesome as you’d imagine, Taite’s was much hornier. Bill’s time with Ali was a bit of a disaster, while led to him getting a swift boot out the door of the Bachy mansion.
The whole thing was made all the more fun with the constant stream of lols on Twitter.
Tonight Bachy retold via its funniest tweets:
Todd and Ali’s date was a fairytale dream and he even dropped the L-bomb.
Oceans: stared at ✔
Feelings: overwhelming ✔
Questions: many ✔Yep, final week is here#BacheloretteAU
— Melanie Jones (@MelSpellsTells) November 14, 2018
Ali: Ooh, my sword just hit you a little low.
Todd: Don’t worry. It’s just a little prick #BacheloretteAU pic.twitter.com/qLsw5wes1f
— Tom Ford (@TomFord83) November 14, 2018
#BacheloretteAU Todd: “This is what dreams are made of”
My brain: pic.twitter.com/ToDPY5iiBx
— Tina Burke (@teeburke_) November 14, 2018
It's just weird that MY timeline matches up with Todd, that's all #BacheloretteAU
— Tahlia Pritchard (@Tahls) November 14, 2018
Todd is in love with Ali but im in love with Todd. This is awkward. Someone is gonna have to budge #BacheloretteAU
— claudia12364 (@claudia12364) November 14, 2018
Taite and Ali’s date involved lots of exercising and sweaty pashes. But Taite struggled to say the L-word.
I’d rather be single forever than go on a date to this obstacle course #BacheloretteAU
— Alice ?? (@alicevictoria19) November 14, 2018
Ali: "there is no denying that there's an amazing bond between us"
It's called "being horny". #BacheloretteAU
— O'Malley (@Skualg) November 14, 2018
I’ve seen Tate kiss Ali more times than words spoken to her #BacheloretteAU
— andrew vezos (@andrewvezos) November 14, 2018
Ali having a conversation with a man:
My brain:
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do it
Don’t do itAli: when do you want to get engaged though? #BacheloretteAU
— brianna williams (@willsybee) November 14, 2018
Taite: you make me so happy
Taite: I love what I'm seeing
Taite: I could see myself with you
Ali: he just won't tell me how he feels #bacheloretteau— Bro-ren (@Lorenishie) November 14, 2018
Poor Taite just wanted to relax and eat free food, and now he has to talk about love and his sperm count probably #BacheloretteAU
— Kiera (@UnderYourPorch) November 14, 2018
Bill’s date was awks as he attempted to mislead Ali about his history with his ex.
Ali smashing champas in a limo listening to her man talk bullshit is a real 2018 mood #BacheloretteAU
— Aliza (@AlizanotEliza) November 14, 2018
You can see that bill has given up and now he’s just havin a laugh. He’s just trying to enjoy the last day of free booze and food #BacheloretteAU
— beck (@iamlouiscarrot1) November 14, 2018
ALI: She said you dated.
BILL: I've never dated her but I'veeee beeeeen withhh herrrr.
ALI: Well, when you enunciate it like that…
BILL: We're just mates! Naked mates.#bacheloretteau
— Jake Watt (@JakeChatty) November 14, 2018
To the surprise of no one (except maybe Bill) Todd and Taite were given the final two roses.
#BacheloretteAU ali needs to fuck taite, marry todd and kill bill
— Destiny (@andhereweg0) November 14, 2018
one taught me love
one taught me patience
and one taught me pain #BacheloretteAU pic.twitter.com/NAezBM2KS7— cat (@yagirlcat1) November 14, 2018
Bill: "I'll just keep looking"
Amy his ex: pic.twitter.com/BC1VRGLkgn— Bachie Fans (@BachieFans) November 14, 2018