LMAO: Ep 2 Of ‘Married At First Sight’ Retold Through Its Funniest Tweets
Another ep, another round of people being forced into sharing a marital bed with a complete stranger. Fun! This time on Married At First Sight 2018, we met the most adorbs young couple Matt and Alycia, but more importantly, our TVs were graced with the biggest bogan this side of Fountain Lakes: Jo.
Jo, as she says herself, was a ‘whole lotta woman,’ and is as loud as she was loveable. Unforch she has been paired with a man as miserable as they come, known as Sean. Seanny-boy seemed to hate everything about Jo the second she walked down the aisle. He never gave himself a chance to fall in love. Their wedding started with platform thongs and didn’t get much better. The cringe-factor hurt my insides.
In happier news, Matt and Alycia were a beautiful couple and we all ugly cried a little bit at Matt’s cute AF speech. That part about “missing his wife,” actually cut deep, and this adorbs couple better be in it for the long haul… OR ELSE!!
Luckily Twitter was there to narrate the entire thing, and the results were hilarious.
Ep 2 of Married at First Sight retold through its funniest tweets:
We met Jo and hoeee boy she is a BIG character.
Are you even Australian if you don't respond to questions with "lock it in Eddie"?#MAFS
— Chanelle Vella (@xox_chan_xox) January 30, 2018
I’m going to make Jo’s laugh my ringtone #MAFS
— Nicky Arnall (@NickyArnall) January 30, 2018
I am now rating the participants based on their likelihood of telling Dean to shut the eff up. Jo is rating very well #MAFS
— Keshia Jacotine (@KeshiaJacotine) January 30, 2018
Okay I’m not going to lie I don’t even drink a lot and I want to get on the piss with Jo #MAFS
— Dylan Matthews (@DylanMatthews91) January 30, 2018
Those thongs were bogan chic and we luv ’em.
I hate it when people say Australians don’t have culture, like try again sweetie… #MAFS pic.twitter.com/CBM5FJpvce
— PUNKEE (@itspunkee) January 30, 2018
I wish I could be as excited about anything in life as Jo is excited about those bling thongs #MAFS
— Elise Cooper (@elisejcooper) January 30, 2018
Sean and Jo weren’t quite on the same page as each other.
I think Jo would of been happy with a brick wall the way she is carrying on when being given near to nothing to work with lol. #MarriedAtFirstSight #MAFS
— Mrs Straws (@Sammy_Spooner) January 30, 2018
Nothing can get Jo down for her special day.
#MAFS pic.twitter.com/Eb7P3GE93k— sachbrush (@sachbrush) January 30, 2018
Sean: Oh shit
Jo: SHIT YEAH *smashes tinnie on forehead* #MAFS— kahlarsee af ???? (@kahlarsee) January 30, 2018
He’s pretty good at the “kissaroonos” #MAFS #9Married pic.twitter.com/pgWRDH9uRE
— Dave Walker (@blossoxen) January 30, 2018
Sean wasn’t quite as enthused with the match.
Sean’s reaction to seeing Jo on #MAFS pic.twitter.com/CvUWkQ4wnY
— Matt Kirk (@mattkirk264) January 30, 2018
Jo; “I’m so keen” Sean:… #MAFS #MarriedAU pic.twitter.com/lMlGdQz2E3
— Steven Faull (@steveoknows) January 30, 2018
Jo: “We are both from Adelaide!”
Sean: pic.twitter.com/9dKGt6okZ2— SurfDog Bachelor (@TVDarrow) January 30, 2018
Jo + Sean = AWKS #MAFS pic.twitter.com/IhEBcaJDkY
— Stella Katsaros (@LMStellaPR) January 30, 2018
Matt and Alycia melted all our hearts into a puddle.
HE DIPPED HER! Alycia and Mat forever #MAFS pic.twitter.com/zNevSy2xPR
— Shelly Horton ???????? (@ShellyHorton1) January 30, 2018
Can't tweet, too busy crying over Matt's genuine AF vows. #MAFS pic.twitter.com/Wf6zIWSUKp
— Sarah McPhee (@_SarahMcPhee) January 30, 2018
Me: I'm not getting invested in any of these couples they never work out and I'm the only one who ends up broken hearted
— kahlarsee af ???? (@kahlarsee) January 30, 2018
Mat was so kind and gentle to Alycia’s brother. I actually sobbed #MAFS pic.twitter.com/dGNNyjfmaS
— Shelly Horton ???????? (@ShellyHorton1) January 30, 2018
This is too real for us.
I hope Alycia's twin sister, Justine, is catering this shindig #MAFS pic.twitter.com/qhHuC6GYkd
— kahlarsee af ???? (@kahlarsee) January 30, 2018
Good luck Sean!
Sean can always use the #MAFS standard exit clause
'I was looking for a Polynesian woman'— Two Fiddy Kay (@kholly265) January 30, 2018
Looking for more comedic MAFS reactions. Check out all the Married At First Sight tweets from last night’s episode here.