Tonight’s Petty Mess Of A ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ Ep Summarised In 10 Hilarious Tweets
As we reach the conclusion of another week of Bachelor In Paradise, we still seem no closer to this show ever actually ending. Seriously, when tho?
Tonight’s ep saw Megan dump poor Thomas for Jake, who didn’t seem to mind that she had been smooching the Canadian the night before.
This storyline has immediately become tired AF. Can we vote Megan and Jake off the island? I think that’s how this shit works.
American Jared was taken on a pretty cringeworthy date with Rachael, who proceeded to disrespect the Fijian people that were providing their time and sharing their traditions. It was just peak white people being trash and was actually embarrassing to watch.
The rest of the ep was mostly just Leah whinging about wanting to leave and then…not leaving. Her saviour in the end proved to be the guy she’s walking all over. American Jared is the island angel we don’t deserve.
Here’s ep 12 of Bachelor In Paradise summarised in 10 hilarious tweets:
1. Megan told Jake that she kissed Thomas.
Dear Jake.
You did this exact thing to Flo.
Kindly make your way directly to the bin at your earliest convenience.
Management. #BachelorInParadiseAU— Caitlin (@caitiejayne) April 18, 2018
2. Leah’s incessant threats to leave was driving everyone up the wall.
Keira "Someone needs to slap some sense into Leah"
Australia: *volunteers*
#BachelorInParadiseAU— Jo Thornely (@jothornely) April 18, 2018
3. Leah wants to go and needs to go.
At least with Laurina, Michael, Lisa and Luke when they said they wanted to leave they left within 1.5 mins. #BachelorInParadiseAu
— Nez (@fraggle73) April 18, 2018
4. Pls, just stop whinging.
Leah: I’m going to leave Paradise
Everyone: iM g0iNg tO LeAVe ParAdiSe#BachelorInParadiseAU pic.twitter.com/FtlvyJRZIT
— Xantre Aston???? (@xantreaston) April 18, 2018
5. Grant and Ali are in love after knowing each other for…days and days.
Ali to her boyfriend of 1 minute: “I would die for you”. Me to my husband and partner of 7 years: “I would take a bullet for you, but not in the head.. Maybe in the leg or the foot.. maybe..just…actually not really at all. ???? #BachelorInParadiseAU
— dominique louise (@Dee_lou16) April 18, 2018
6. It’s not normal.
They’ve known each other for 5 mins and they’re in love .. #BachelorInParadiseAU pic.twitter.com/KdU3TlE319
— Georgina Cole (@georgina_anne77) April 18, 2018
7. This is an excellent point.
Can't believe that I've watched twelve episodes of this godforsaken show and still have no further clarity on how Sam's hair functions architecturally. #BachelorInParadiseAU
— Jodi McAlister ???????? (@JodiMcA) April 18, 2018
8. Spare a thought for poor Canadian Thomas.
Thomas when they bring him back in to date Megan, only for her to reject him.. again. #BachelorInParadiseAU pic.twitter.com/fyys7u87NP
— Maritza Munoz Brunt (@maritzaemunoz) April 18, 2018
9. American Jared is too pure and saved Leah in the end.
I found a photo of American Jarrod #BachelorInParadiseAU pic.twitter.com/hbbKCyDete
— Actual Trash (@tianaashleigh) April 18, 2018
10. It’s time for Leah to leave, tbh.
Trying to find someone who would give a fuck if Leah left #BachelorInParadiseAU pic.twitter.com/Z9ZxVvbHK0
— Tahlia Pritchard (@Tahls) April 18, 2018