David Dobrik’s Vlog Squad Ranked From Most Favourite To Jonah
Like wolves, every great group has one true leader.
Destiny’s Child? Beyoncé. Pussycat Dolls? Nicole Scherzinger. Vlog Squad? David Dobrik.

The Vlog Squad has been entertaining us since 2015, making us laugh, cry, and question the intelligence of the human race. Formed on YouTube by Dobrik himself, the crew has majorly evolved, losing some key players and gaining some fresh new faces.
Whether it’s based on looks, wit, or desire to do f*cked up shit, we all have our favourites when it comes to the VS.
Therefore, we’ve put together an official list of Vlog Squad members, ranked from most favourite to, of course, Jonah.
1. Natalie Mariduena
Natalie is the true star of David’s Vlogs, and you can fight us about that. Natalie is David’s assistant and pretty much the mum of the group. She and David know each other from way, way back, back in their school days.
While she isn’t a vlogger herself, Natalie is definitely up there with our absolutely FAV of the group, mainly due to her no effs given personality!
Also, you’re lying if you don’t ship David and Natalie…just saying.
2. Jason Nash
Jason Nash is the Vlog Squad. He is undoubtedly irreplaceable, mainly because where else would you find a 46-year-old man who’s down to dress up in drag and crash college parties.
Nobody on this earth is down to do the stuff that Jason Nash does. From dressing up as a Mexican prostitute to wearing an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs on a plane, he is a Vlog Squad VET and it just wouldn’t be the same without him.
3. Zane Hijazi
Zane is the guy we love to love. After moving to LA, Zane and David became friends over Vine and the rest is history.
You’ll often find Zane drinking waaayy too much in the vlogs, and usually falling off either a table, out of a car, or through a window.
4. Corinna Kopf
Corinna Kopf is the Queen of the Vlog Squad and you can fight us about that. She and David met at a Jack & Jack concert back in their High School days, and fast forward to now, they’re still great friends.
Corinna has a certain ‘harlot’ reputation throughout the Vlogs, giving absolutely no fucks when it comes to her sexuality. She’s also been romantically linked to Todd in the group, but they didn’t work out… for obvious reasons.
5. Jeff Witteck
Jeff is the newest addition to the Vlog Squad, and probably the one we needed most.
Jeff is famous amongst the Vlog Squad for his ex-convict life, and ultimate bad boy past. He openly makes jokes about his experiences in prison, which is both terrifying and oh-so-invigorating.
6. Toddy Smith
Todd first became a member of the Vlog Squad after meeting David through, you guessed it, Vine. Todd’s other half is fellow group member Scotty Sire – the two have known each other since high school.
Todd was originally known for his ‘player’ status in the vlog, but now is more known for being shot with paintball guns for money.
7. Alex Ernst
While not the most prominent member of the Vlog Squad, Alex Ernst is the teddy bear you never want to stop cuddling. He and David know each other from way back in the day and were roommates from when David uploaded his first vlog in 2015.
And yes, he also got a car.
8. Scotty Sire
Scotty is one of the more colourful members of the group. He too started on Vine, and joined David and his friends soon afterwards.
As well as having his own vlog channel, Scotty is a musician and tours the world with BFF Todd. Scotty is also known for his ‘no fear attitude’, which is evident when David puts terrifying insects on him and gets literally no reaction.
9. Dom Zeglaitis, AKA, Durte Dom
Durte Dom is iconic. He’s known for his bisexual player status, crazy partying, and association with the now-extinct IKON Crew.
While David has since moved out of their legendary West Hollywood apartment, Dom is still parked up and has turned the place into a rave scene/bachelor pad.
Never change Dom… never change.
10. Heath Hussar
Heath is the other half of Zane and there’s no question about it. He also met David through Vine and has been one of the OG Vlog Squad members since day one.
Known for his excessive spending, laid back attitude and crazy…crazy drinking, Heath is the gift that keeps on giving.
11. Carly and Erin
We’ve grouped these two together because frankly you don’t get Carly without Erin and you don’t get Erin without Carly.
Carly and Erin made their start on Vine, which is how they know David and, well, the rest is history. The two share a joint YouTube Channel with each other where they occasionally post juicy Vlog Squad gossip.
Erin’s most recently been known as the recipient of a fat cheque from David, paying for her wedding and honeymoon. If that’s not setting the bar for friends in 2019 IDK what is.
12. David Dobrik
You can’t have The Wendy Williams Show without Wendy Williams, and therefore, you can’t have David Dobrik’s Vlog Squad without…you guessed it…Liza!
Kidding LOL.
David Dobrik gave birth to the Vlog Squad back in 2015, introducing us to the iconic group we oh-so-worship today. Fast forward to four years later, he’s got one of the most subscribed to YouTube channels and is one of the richest digital stars in the game.
13. Jonah, AKA, Nick Antonyan
TF?! Who the hell is Nick Antonyan?! Apparently they just call him Jonah because he looks like Jonah Hill!? Wow. You think you know someone…
Jonah is one of the more recent Vlog Squad members, and with him came the addition of his entire Armenian family, who are legends we might add.
Why is he ranked last? Look, we love Jonah, but sometimes he can be a bit of a people pleaser. Like when he drove a motorbike off a ramp into a pool? Or shaved his entire body?
C’mon Jonah, you’re better than that.